I’ve got mdapth into the chain, it certainly has a nice result in some games
Without MDAPT
You need to look at them at full resolution to see the difference
I’ve got mdapth into the chain, it certainly has a nice result in some games
Without MDAPT
You need to look at them at full resolution to see the difference
I cycle both one on top of the other and i can’t see any difference
I think you uploaded the same image for both.
Thank god someone else said something. I thought i was just blind.
Well that’s a relief I thought I was going crazy lol.
Apparently this was a delayed april fools
I updated the image
That got it. Looks awesome
Thanks ! Should I change the I and Q values too ?
They don’t do anything unless you’re setting it to composite mode.
Sorry was mowing grass.
MDAPT surely gives some nice results. However, i’m not sure how authentic the image is when you get such de-dithering without color artifacts/bluriness.
Also, can you post a picture of Sonic’s waterfalls?
The Mega Bezel Shader is updated to V2020-05-03
Here’s the comparison
GTU with Composite ON
MDAPT doesn’t do anything here unless you turn the dithering stripes on (because there is no checkerboard dithering) When the dithering stripes are on it gives an artifact in the waterfall.
I think there might be a problem with the new versions of the presets : I tried Royale and Dr Guest and bloom looks weird and not natural at all ; I cannot take a screenshot because for some reason they don’t appear in my RA screenshot folder ; I’ll try to post a screenshot when I can.
Hmm, could be because of the increased resolution in the GTU passes.
Can you try removing those passes (and their scaling options) completely and putting stock.slang in their place?
It’s probably destroying the horizontal axis of the bloom (which would make the bloom look off), if I remember correctly that was an issue I had when using GTU with guest-dr-venom. Idk though just adding some observations from previous stuff I’ve messed with.
This is from memory, so take this with a grain of salt.
Okay, so when swithing out GTU with ntsc-adaptive on shader#6 and shader#7: linear, nearest or don’t care? Also what scale for each?
I fixed the resolution issue and updated the package, so it should all be good now
Hi, when I mentioned switching out the passes I meant to go into the .slangp text file and comment the gtu passes and uncomment the ntsc passes already there, In this case I suggest doing it that way instead of trying to do it through the UI.
By comment he means add // in the slangp to gtu passes that you’re swapping out with the ntsc-adaptive passes, and remove the // from the ntsc-adaptive passes.
Thank you both. I was just looking up “comment and uncomment” on google lol.