Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Yes I want something to simulate the Game Boy Player, because as far as I know, no emulator can generate it’s border like BSNES generate Super Game Boy border, So what it actually would do is to play a GBA game on a 4:3 aspect without “harming” GBA true aspect ratio which is inside the border. I think I can do it with an overlay, but my ideia was for the border to be whitin the shader for it to get the effects (curvature, scanlines etc.)

Sorry for confusing you man! hahah, If this is to hard, or irrelevant there’s no problem!


Not sure what you are after my friend but I did this using the TubeGlassImage…

and this using the TopLayerImage and the tube mask setting.

I am just using the VBA-M Gameboy Advance core.

In both instances I used overscan cropping to pull the screen into the border.

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@Duimon, thanks for the work bro! I did it other way, but will try with Turbo Glass replacement!

I loaded the border as an image in Retroarch, applied the shader, then saved it as an overlay! Sorry for the off-topic, just posting to show how is the final result and for you not to lost your time working on it @HyperspaceMadness if I’m the only one who likes it.

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No problem :slight_smile: reminds me of inception :wink:


Hi All, just a note, I was just doing some performance testing and was getting really lower performance than I expected. I was in GLCore and getting about 60fps, and when I switched to Vulcan I get 80fps.

So it looks like Vulcan is really the recommended driver here.


Even on nVidia ? OpenGL usually performs better than Vulkan on nVIdia cards.

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Yes, I was actually testing on an NVidia card.


On an NVidia RTX 2060 at 3840x2160 I get:

  • Vulcan 155fps
  • GLCore 120fps
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Vulcan on multiple graphic cards preforms better for me. What’s interesting is checking out your fps when you hit fast forward in a game. GLCore is will be over double the fps of Vulcan in most cases.

On lower end hardware I’ve found in many cases where GLCore is subpar, say 40fps, toggling fast forward on than off, will speed up the game to 60fps for regular play until a new level loads.


New graphic and a question for everyone.


I gotta put an RTX 2060 on my Xmas list! :innocent:


Go big balling get a 2080, jkjk.


@Duimon @Syh We’re getting new cards this fall (GTX 3080, RX 680, etc)


I can’t afford anything anyway. I just dumped all my money into a fightstick lmao.


Online shipping is finally open in my country. But the best I can do is a GTX 1660 Super for fucking $385, lol!

Btw, when are you posting your arcade stick build thread?

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Hmmm, I honestly have no idea.

I’m still fiddling with it.

It’s done and it works, I’m just doing cosmetic stuff to it now.

I was wanting to hold off on doing the build log until I could build a wiring harness.

I mean I can start a thread going over parts and stuff if you guys would like?

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Personally, I would like you to post all the sources like - where you learned all the stuff for the DIY, best places to purchase these parts and any other useful bits of info etc. All in one place for future reference. As I’m still not sure if I want to build my own or just get a pre-built one.

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Yeah I can do that. It may be a minute before I get it done though.

Really they’re easy to build. It just depends on your budget in my opinion.

Also most of the diy cases for fightsticks, have services to build it for you on their sites. You just pick parts from their stock.

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Your reflection shader is groundbreaking, HyperspaceMadness. If there was an annual award for innovation of the year in bezel making you’d win that award. Thank you!


I download the pack but always freeze retroarch and break, im using glcore. Thanks for your work.

Are you on Windows? What Video Card are you using? Have you tried Vulcan?

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Thanks! I’m glad you like it, I’m sure it could add an extra pop to your already very cool overlays :slight_smile: