Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Intel, gl and glcore.

New version of retroarch core of mame 0.222, always crash wen load a game, to anyone too? Thanks

Ok I would suggest trying setting your video driver to Vulcan

Yes, also happens here. I had an older core version copied in another directory and can confirm that.

I know that mi intel is not compatible with vulkan then.


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To try to clarify, the problem is when you load the shader and retroarch freezes while loading it?


Yes exact. Mi intel CPU is some old, not work with vulkan. Other new CPU intel yes.

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I was wondering if there is any option to disable the rendering of the background images and shadows, just keeping the reflections. By doing this less powerful systems could achieve full speed I think. I noticed that changing from the usual 16:9 to 4:3, the shader pack speeds up substantially when it doesn’t have to render the whole screen. One could use one of Duimon’s RA overlays, that have the bezel and shadows already rendered and then adjust the transparency so reflections can also be achieved there. Shouldn’t that speedup the whole thing?

I don’t think this will work out of the box. Overlays cover up the reflection. You could maybe have the shader render the bezel and have a custom overlay that is the background and frame.

I could give it a try on my HTPC (x58 i7 GTX 1050, fairly under-powered compared to what I use HSMs shader on)

Give me a day. :blush:

Maybe @ArsInvictus can let us know the method he used on his 4K Verticals. (HSM mentioned he used the Mega Bezel in a unique way.)

To be clear. If it works I would be willing to add a “Hybrid-Overlay” repo to my HSM Graphics repo. We would have graphics for High, Mid, and Low end sytems. )The latter being the RA Overlays.)


Hi @Duimon, if you use a regular custom overlay file in Retroarch, that sits on top of the shader rendered image, so you can basically just resize the viewport for the game image and fit the HSM bezel edges into the transparent area of the overlay. It’s a bit of a hassle to resize it manually, but that’s how we do it.


Kind of what I was thinking. I will move forward with my experiment. Thanks!

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One option might be to:

  • Get the Mega Bezel looking the way you want fullscreen
  • Take a snapshot
  • Cut out the inside of the frame from this image and set it as an overlay
  • Reduce the viewport size by either setting it to 4:3 ratio, or setting a custom area.
  • In the mega bezel you turn off the frame & background.
  • And adjust the size in the shader until it is right. (if you have set the retroarch aspect ratio to 4:3 it should already be the correct size.)
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Works like a dream. Default shader settings, frame 0% opacity, (Which kills the shadow) Vingnette off.

Just set the video aspect ratio to 4 x 3 and load the overlay. Done!



I even reduced the size to 1920 x 1080 at 72dpi.

Now to see how it runs on my HTPC. :grin:


Perfect! I grabbed one of your overlays, removed the inner bezel part, followed your instructions and done. 60 fps. @HyperspaceMadness Is this 4:3 changing the speed due to the rendering of the background picture? Can it be disabled completely?

Are you just wanting black space and a bezel?

I want reflections basically and all the shaders chain and the background and it’s shadow effects coming from an overlay picture as Duimon showed above in the Rayman screenshot. And if it makes everything faster, being able to disable the background picture rendering.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the background image. It is the size of the viewport that matters. Less screen area to render = better performance.

Keep in mind that doing this method makes most of the advanced features of the shader unusable. i.e. you can’t scale anything, do any overscan cropping, or even adjust the screen edge sharpness. You are stuck with the screen placement and size. Any adjustments will have to be done with the image and image source before adjusting the viewport position or screen size. (Scaling is one of the core features.)

These features are the “Mega” in the Mega Bezel shader. But, if you want to use it on lower powered hardware you take what you can get. Personally I just wasn’t planning on using it on anything not high-end but we’ll see how performance goes.

Essentially HSMs shader was intended to take this hard work away from us and make things easy, and it does. For the most part I would say there is a minimum hardware requirement and just live with it. There are systems my HTPC can’t emulate well because of it’s age, I can live with that for now. :grin: (On my Android devices I can use overlays but not even a simple crt shader.)

On a side note. I think it is likely that as the shader matures the hardware requirements will only get greater. Along with the shader itself. :wink:


I get that and I think it’s awesome to have all those options. However, if the picture I want as a background will remain static and I don’t have the intention to keep changing it, I think just using an overlay does the trick. My notebook has an i7 CPU, more than capable of running practically all systems, but it seems the Nvidia card is getting outdated (GTX 1060, running stuff in 4k) and I lose a frame or two in 16:9 occasionally. I prefer to also have the option to make things move faster while keeping the other stuff the GPU has enough power to deal with.


If this is something that could be used a lot I could make a new “overlay only” preset and make sure it runs as fast as possible.

Also a note, if you use non-integer scale you can use the Overscan cropping stuff and it won’t change the screen size. If you use integer scale the cropping will change the screen size.

It’s almost all because of the smaller viewport and fewer pixels.

Also in general I’ve tried to turn off computation for items as their opacity is 0. But there might be some things which are still being calculated when it seems that they shouldn’t


I guessed you would feel that way. From my experience there seems to be quite a performance drop from even a GTX 1070 to a 1060. Maybe this is something that would be used.

I have yet to try it on an underpowered system

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Hi, I was stepping through this thread and noticed your issue @lordmonkus this issue is now fixed, the Stella core resolution is caught and presented in the proper orientation. In addition the auto aspect ratio catches most aspect ratios which should be used.