Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Hi @Duimon i been using your Playstation preset and i was wondering if it’s possible to add my own preference shader like this one for example ( crt-fast-bilateral-super-xbr ) ?

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It is possible but you have to muck around with the passes, which can get tricky sometimes.

There is an smoothing effect in the Mega Bezel already if you want to try it.

To try it you need to turn on ScaleFX --You will find this right before the crt shader parameters-- then increase the Core Sampling Multiple, probably to 2 or 3,

Here it is with and without the fake scanlines applied.

Fake Scanlines

No Scanlines

I also find that you get an interesting effect by increasing the scanline sampling to 2 or 3, and setting the opposite dir sampling (Up and down in this case) to a small offset like 1.25 image

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Thank you @HyperspaceMadness! That last screenshot looks so good lol imma try to mess a bit with the parameters!


I personally prefer the 464 because it has more color, but I will do both. :innocent:

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BTW. were you looking for the 6128plus…

or the original?

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I was hoping some enterprising artist would take that night layer an run with it. Nice stuff!

Isn’t it just! :star_struck:

I think it’s a real game-changer.


Original powaaaaaaaaaaa ! :grin:

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Hi @Tromzy, I think this is specific to Crt-Royale, because the way CRT Royale works is it generates the scanline image, then in a separate pass the curvature is added.

I’ll look into this sometime in the next while to figure out what is going wrong with the scaling & curvature application which is causing this.


Hi People!

We know, the game was not ported to Retroarch, of course!

Is there any way to run Streets of Rage Remake with filters?

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And this once you get it installed. reshade-retroarch-shaders


Man it looks awesome, i think im going to edit all my game collectios from the ground up

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Cool, glad you’re liking it :grin:

Just to let you know before you redo all your stuff, that there’s a new version of the shader which will release soon after the next version of retroarch (which I’m not sure when will release).

This new version with the new version of retroarch will be much easier to manage many presets and be able to easily update in the future.

Anyway glad you like it and feel free to do the survey that is linked in the first post :slight_smile:

And feel free to share some of your work if you like, I’m always interested to see what kind of overlays people are making.


NEW- Streets of Rage Remake v5.2 Download and Info (

Now Widescreen !

If this game (5.1 or 5.2) can be played with reshade, can someone tell me how ? Impossible for me to run the game with reshade.


SoRR doesn’t use a modern API like DirectX or Vulkan, etc… so there is nothing for Reshade to hook into.


OK, I’m not sure I understand how to use the “Night” mode… Is it just about changing the “Night Lighting Opacity” parameter from 0 to 100 ? That’s it ? I could not find any post explaining it.

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Yes. If you are using one of my presets, and the system has an LED, you may also turn up the opacity on the LED layer.

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Is it possible to remove or change the preset limits of “CabinetGlassImage” Y axis ? It seems the value is set to minimum of 10 on the Y Axis, is it possible to remove this limit and lower it to either 0, or possibly -10 ?
This is not the released shader, but the beta shader. I’m using the “CabinetGlassImage” to create a environment reflection, but I cannot make the reflection full vertical size due to the Y limit of 10.


I just checked and the Y position parameters say [-100 100] and I can scale and position it until it’s off the screen in both the top and bottom directions.

I am using the Alpha_2020-11-19

What scale method are you using? Are you using DrVenom?

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Thanks @Duimon :slight_smile: yes that’s what I see too.

It’s probably best to keep the discussion about the alpha features to PM to avoid any general confusion :slight_smile:

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I didn’t use PM because I’m not sure how many are working on the shader, and who to PM. I will make this the last post in public, since this is still beta. This is what I get.

Final Image looks like this, but the environment reflection is baked in, I want to make it a layer using the cab glass layer.