My Realistic Arcade Bezels

Is there a specific reason to use a *.cfg file with the mame hoffset, hstretch, voffset, vstretch settings instead of adjusting the x, y, width, height settings in the *.lay file?

I mean you could do it without a second *.cfg file :slight_smile:

Currently i try to write a bash script to convert mame *.lay files to mame2003-plus *.art files and rotate/crop/extend the images accordingly.
To convert the offst and stretch values too will require additional calculations, so without those it would be much more easier.
You can see the result in this thread: MAME artworks for MAME 2003-Plus (atm i am using a spreadsheet and make the conversion manually)

Also i try to write a script to convert them to regular RetroArch overlays inclusive the corresponding game overwrite *.cfg for the custom aspect ratio.
Unfortunately i am not so skilled in scripting :wink: and it takes some time.
(spreadsheet and manual work is done)

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Because the cfg file maintains the size of the screen so it fits in the bezel. When you remove the cfg file from mame the screen reverts back to it’s large size and you’d have to resize the screen again which is a hassle. When it comes to the whole process I taught myself and it became routine. I welcome the help.

I understand.
With the right values in the *.lay file you can skip the hassle of using a separate config file. I will look into it and post my findings later.

Meanwhile thanks for your work :slight_smile:

@Orionsangel [UPDATE]
I figured out how to translate the hoffset, hstretch, voffset and vstretch values, so that they can be used in the *.lay file.

new_width  = old_width*vstretch
new_height = old_height*hstretch
new_x      = ((old_width-new_width)/2)-(old_width*voffset)+old_x
new_y      = ((old_height-new_height)/2)+(old_height*hoffset)

…hope i haven’t forgotten something…

This has also the benefit of a better image (at least on my display the hstretch and vstretch gives worse results -> see screenshots)


Great finding :slight_smile:

Can that translation be scripted? Or a way to automate the process of rebuilding the lay files with this new information?

Sure, the mame game.cfg is a xml file and the game.lay file has also some kind of xml syntax.

Unfortunately atm it is beyond my scripting skills :frowning:
I dont know how to adress the individual xml elements/attributes.
I can do this with a mix of bash arithmetic, sed, cat, grep and a lot of other unnecessary stuff but this will certainty not be the right way.

Understood. I’ll check on my end as well and see if it can be done.

Thank you. Can you do a curved screen? This sounds interesting. Send me the lay file [email protected]

I am a professional programmer. If you could share with me some samples, say, an “input” file and an “output” maybe I can help in some way.


In the default.lay the x,y,width,height values have to be modified with the hoffset, hstretch, voffset and vstretch values of the digdug.cfg

Only the values in the <view></view> element between

The values between <bezel></bezel> must remain untouched


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->
<mameconfig version="10">
    <system name="digdug">
            <screen index="0" hoffset="0.004000" hstretch="0.580000" voffset="0.008000" vstretch="0.678000" />
            <coins index="0" number="49" />
            <port tag=":DSWA" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="192" defvalue="128" value="192" />

This is the calculation:

new_width = old_width*vstretch
new_height = old_height*hstretch
new_x = ((old_width-new_width)/2)-(old_width*voffset)+old_x
new_y = ((old_height-new_height)/2)+(old_height*hoffset)


<!-- digdug.lay -->

<mamelayout version="2">

<element name="bezel">
    <image file="digdug_bezel.png" />

<element name="bezel_alt1">
    <image file="digdug_bezel_alt1.png" />

<element name="bezel_alt2">
    <image file="digdug_bezel_alt2.png" />

<element name="screen_bezel">
    <image file="vert_screen_bezel.png" />

<element name="screen_mask">
    <image file="vert_screen_mask.png" />

<view name="Cab Artwork">
    <screen index="0">
    <bounds x="555" y="0" width="810" height="1080" />

    <overlay element="screen_mask">
    <bounds x="554" y="0" width="812" height="1080" />

    <backdrop element="screen_bezel">
    <bounds x="518" y="0" width="884" height="1080" />

    <bezel element="bezel">
    <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" />

<view name="No Monitor Screen (alt1)">
    <screen index="0">
    <bounds x="555" y="0" width="810" height="1080" />

    <overlay element="screen_mask">
    <bounds x="554" y="0" width="812" height="1080" />

    <backdrop element="screen_bezel">
    <bounds x="518" y="0" width="884" height="1080" />

    <bezel element="bezel_alt1">
    <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" />

<view name="Unused (alt2)">
    <screen index="0">
    <bounds x="555" y="0" width="810" height="1080" />

    <overlay element="screen_mask">
    <bounds x="554" y="0" width="812" height="1080" />

    <backdrop element="screen_bezel">
    <bounds x="518" y="0" width="884" height="1080" />

    <bezel element="bezel_alt2">
    <bounds x="0" y="0" width="1920" height="1080" />


The result should look like this:

<view name=“Cab Artwork”>
<screen index=“0”>
<bounds x=“679” y=“231” width=“549” height=“626” />

<overlay element=“screen_mask”>
<bounds x=“678” y=“231” width=“551” height=“626” />

<backdrop element=“screen_bezel”>
<bounds x=“653” y=“231” width=“599” height=“626” />

<bezel element=“bezel”>
<bounds x=“0” y=“0” width=“1920” height=“1080” />
</bezel> </view>

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Can you send me a completed file to inspect it.

Is there maybe a recent link where you can download a pack of these?

Also, can these be used as RetroArch overlays instead of MAME artwork?

Yeah, but I gotta update it.


@GemaH: not so easily. Mame artworks supports blend modes, which overlays doesn’t.

blend modes
    1. layer:   bezel (blend mode: normal)      \____\  ══╗
    ------------------------------------------  ____      ║
    2. layer:   backdrop (blend mode: screen)   \____\  ══╣
    ------------------------------------------  ____      ║
    3. layer:   overlay (blend mode: multiply)  \____\  ══╣
    ------------------------------------------  ____      ║
    4. layer:   game screen                     \____\  ══╝

Also it involves a bit of image manipulation. Mame artworks can have parts of the image that go over the monitor screen or are smaller, but overlays stretch the image to either completly fit your monitor screen (if overlay0_full_screen = true) or the hole game screen (if overlay0_full_screen = false)
To maintain the aspect ratio you have to resize the images (cropping or adding borders)

In the case of Orionangels artworks, i think they are all in 16:9 ar, so no clipping is needed, but if your monitor is 4:3 or 16:10, than you have to do some work…

For the overlay, mask, backdrop elements you have to tinkering a lot, to make them look like in the artworks.


Ok, got it.

The issue is i can’t use these with the MAME core in retroarch because the crt shaders apply to the whole image, including the artwork.

You can use the bezel image as overlay and set a custom aspect ratio in the video options.
e.g. x,y,width,height.

The biggest problem is, that while the image can be made to fit the usual aspect ratios (16:9, 16:10, 4:3…)
the game override config for the custom aspect ratio must be calculated for every screen resolution:


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game Chase H.Q. for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game Pengo for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game Legendary Wings for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


Here is a realistic Arcade bezel for the game Dragon Breed for use on Mame.

You can download it here -


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