Hello I had a couple questions and was wondering if you could help me but I am using and LOVING the program but was trying to play Legend of Dragoon on retroarch pcsx-rearmed and for some reason when I tried to actually save in game to like a “memory card” it would say save but when I would go back to my saves it would not be there and I was thinking about how I would do a disk switch when I got to the end of disk 1 and long story short somehow lost my save state even though I could find the file in the save state folder on retroarch. But I cannot get it to work at all now and looks like I lost all my progress and I was looking at downloading a save file from gamefaqs but could not figure out how to load them through the emulator. Is there anyway you could help me out on this matter? I am playing on windows 7 desktop.
Multidisc games are a bit of a hassle. See this thread:
Well I think I figured out a way to swap disk because I booted up disk 2 and click start new game which tells you to insert disk 1 and I tried my method and it worked I just need help with the save file stuff because I would prefer to not have to start from scratch again considering I played for like 2 or 3 hours.
If you can find the save file, you can try renaming it to match the second disc. I don’t really know of much else that can be done, though.
Well I am just trying to get it back to working on disk 1 I have not made it to disk 2 so idk if my save file got messed up or what so I was just trying to download a save file from gamefaqs which there was a couple that would have worked for me and 1 was extremely close to where I was at but I cannot get anything to work.
Basically i am wanting to download this save file from gamefaqs and put it where ever it needs to go so I can boot up the game go to continue on the in game menu and select the save.
If you’re using Kodi, you can install Featherence Emu addon, download the game and play.
The program call one file (cd1) and you can swap virtual disk so the save file always work.
Disk swapping is not my problem here I figured out how to do that my issue is loading a in game save that I downloaded from gamefaqs but I cannot get any save files to work and my old save state got screwed up so I lost all my progress.
Have you tried just renaming the save file to *.srm and see if it picks it up?
When I download it the file comes out to the-legend-of-dragoon.957.gme so do I keep that all the same and just change the .gme to .srm or do I need to change the first part as well and do I just put it in the Saves folder in the retroarch folder or does it need to go into a different folder for a “memory card”
I have tried leaving it that name and changing it to .srm and also have tried changing it to like the file that gets created which is Legend of Dragoon, The (USA) (Disc 1).srm and put it in several folders and when I launch the game and click continue and it goes to the memory card save select it just pops up saying Saved data for this game does not exist.
I just played through the game some and got to the first save point walked up to it saved the game it said successful I go to save again instantly after and the save I just created is not there in game wtf is going on. And I just tried playing Resident Evil 2 on the exact same emulator and I got to the first save spot on that game and the save worked perfectly fine and I could close the emulator restart it and load the save instead of having to use save states.
Are you using a legit BIOS image, and is the core actually finding it? The HLE BIOS can cause issues with saving in some games.
I honestly have no clue I just went through the step by step setup from a guide I found for IARL on kodi and it uses retroarch as its emulator. IARL is where I downloaded Legend of Dragoon and Resident Evil 2 and RE2 in game saves work so that is why I am baffled on why I cannot save in game for LoD or get a save I downloaded on gamefaqs to work.
Ok, that probably means ‘no’ then. You need a BIOS image with the correct name to be placed in your ‘system’ directory.
This is the one you want for US-region games:
scph5500.bin (md5): 8dd7d5296a650fac7319bce665a6a53c
Ok what exactly do I do with that stuff I am not exactly the greatest when it comes to customizing files/folders
@hunterk Any chance you can help me out with what I am suppose to do with what you said in the last post?
You need to get a copy of that file (scph5500.bin). It’s copyrighted, so be sure to dump your own copy from your own console… The MD5 checksum there will let you know if it’s the correct file.
Once you have it, put it in your ‘system’ folder.
@hunterk Well I think I got the correct file and I downloaded a progrma that I think verified it and it is what you said the 8dd7d… The file name is ps-30j.bin do I need to leave it like that or change it to the scph5500.bin and then put it in the retroarch system folder?
@hunterk Well I tried putting it in the folder as the ps-30j.bin and launched the game and it still said at the bottom in yellow letters at the start the “No Bios…” so I closed it and changed the name to the scph5500.bin and launched retroarch again and booted up the game and this time it did not say anything about “No Bios…” but I went to the save point and it still is not saving.