[NES] ntsc + crt

I like the result of ntsc-256px shader on Nestopia, but how apply a CRT shader too?


It depends on the CRT shader you’re trying to add, but if it’s a single-pass shader, it’s pretty easy. Just go to the shader menu > load shader preset > load the NTSC preset you want. It should take effect and send you back to the shader menu with all of the NTSC passes listed down below. Go to the line labeled ‘shader passes’ and add another pass, scroll down to the new pass labeled “N/A” and then navigate to the shader you want added on. Good single-pass options include crt-easymode, crt-aperture, crt-hyllian, crt-lottes and crt-geom.

After many comparisons, the best combination was bisqwit nes palette + ntsc-256px + crt-hyllian.

Nowadays I see how important are shaders like ntsc and crt for retro games.

Thanks, Hunterk and all developers!

Looks good! You might also check out gtu-famicom with the ‘raw’ palette. It looks pretty similar to your combination, but maybe a little brighter.


I tried gtu-famicom-radeon (my graphic card isn’t compatible with gtu-famicom). The result was strong colors.

Thanks for your suggestion!

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Another great combination: RAW (palette) + ntsc-nes + crt-hyllian.

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Raw palette makes the whole screen green here.

The raw palette indeed makes the colors go crazy but then certain shaders are designed to take those crazy colors and process them into a proper image. The reason is that the raw palette isn’t really a traditional palette at all and instead presents the raw signal data to be processed by the shader programs.