New CRT shader from Guest + CRT Guest Advanced updates

This is on a GTX 980 Ti on Linux:


Can you test this version? Only crt-guest-advanced version is altered…


Still the same pattern with default preset.


Thanks for testing. Guess i needed to rework the slotmask function. Discrepancies happened before also…

Here is a new test version if you guys can test it…


This time one black bar is 5px wide and the other is 7px wide.

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Thanks for testing it again. These rounding errors and discrepancies are a real pita sometimes… Here is a version which works for me with different testings…


Yes this time it works, looks correct on my side. :handshake:

Also i suggest shifting the black bars 1 pixel down with double_slot 3.0

Everything will be centered and look better (black bar in center of scanline).1


Hey, that’s good news. I’ll try to make a regular release tomorrow. Regarding that vertical shift, it’s really situational, but i’ll give it further thoughts. Some testings were already made to mitigate moire, but it’s not this trivial.


I was curious if that method kokoko3k was using to somewhat align the scanlines to the mask would be applicable here, he got some good results in his usecase


Probably not with the pass structure and code sequence, as i understand masks should be calculated before scanlines for this.

I have nevertheless implemented some slotmask mitigation code for better appearance, but it’s a trade-off regarding slotmask strength in scanlines…


New Release Version (2023-02-25-r1):

Notable changes:

  • Slotmask should work now in proper sequence and with different adapters without previous hacks.
  • Unused variable cleanup (main pass, standard version).
  • Filtering adjusted in interlaced mode so it’s not stronger with x-resolutions lower than 400.0.
  • Slotmask interaction mitigation code implemented. It can also mitigate moire, but it’s a trade-off.

Download link:


This is the most interesting part of the update for me. From what I understand it sounds like you can reduce moire by lowering slotmask strength, is that how I should interpret the “trade off”? As you and everyone that uses my presets know I use slot mask strengths at max 100 percent no exceptions. Please explain a little more about that part of the update, I’m not home at the moment to test this out myself.

Also a bit curious about this as well.

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Slotmask presence is mitigated in scanlines for a more even appearance, also with darker pixels. But it’s purely optional and strength can be regulated. The trade-off is you can’t have full slotmask strenght on already dark sections with this.

Here is a comparison with a slotmask preset:


slotmask mitigation:

With just regulating slotmask strength you can’t mitigate the slotmask strength in scanlines, that’s new here.

No worries here, you can read the discussion a couple of posts above.


I’m glad this is optional for the “if it ain’t broke” crowd. I get that there are things that can be improved but I’ll share with you some screenies from my latest work in progress.


Wow! Super nice job on the slotmask artifact mitigation!!! :exploding_head:

Mega Man never looked better! Pew Pew Pew!!!


Shadow mask looks so gritty I love how it looks right after slot mask, after I put out my next pack I need to start getting some shadow mask presets going, thanks for giving me more motivation.


Hi Guest, your shader is a gold mine and your upgrades are shiny gold bars. I copied one of your presets that you shared more than 20 days ago, created with your settings on your creature, and the result obtained, taking nothing away from the other works viewed which are all fantastic, is wonderful. It made me rethink that there’s no need for any interpolation filters when you’re able to get your hands on your creature. Look here, it seems to have a real screen in front of you:

All this thanks to you, heartfelt thanks from us. While waiting for your updates to be integrated into the Mega Bezels to use them in that area, I kindly wanted to ask you if you have any other 1080p presets you can share with us, even better now with these new updates. The creature is yours, and no one knows how to handle it better. It’s as you see the results are crazy, I feel like I’m really back in the 90s. Thank you so much.


PS : These settings are also very good with 3D (tested with PlayStation via swanstation core without graphics changes). It also did a great job with hybrid and problematic games, like Marvel Vs Capcom 2, again without core changes. Unfortunately I didn’t get to share any snapshots of it since I tested it on my brother-in-law’s computer. Good job.


#reference “shaders_slang/crt/crt-guest-advanced.slangp” CS = “2.000000” TNTC = “1.000000” WP = “-65.000000” wp_saturation = “1.200000” GAMMA_INPUT = “3.200000” m_glow = “1.000000” SIZEH = “12.000000” SIGMA_H = “3.499999” SIZEV = “12.000000” SIGMA_V = “3.499999” SIGMA_VB = “0.750000” glow = “0.600000” bloom = “0.700000” bloom_dist = “2.000000” halation = “-0.250000” gamma_c = “1.250000” brightboost = “1.400001” brightboost1 = “1.000000” gsl = “-1.000000” scanline1 = “5.500000” scanline2 = “7.000000” beam_min = “1.100000” beam_max = “0.950000” beam_size = “0.750000” vertmask = “-0.600000” scans = “1.150000” scan_falloff = “0.650000” spike = “1.400000” h_sharp = “3.500001” s_sharp = “0.700000” sth = “0.300000” warpX = “0.040000” warpY = “0.050000” csize = “0.115000” bsize1 = “0.300000” shadowMask = “9.000000” maskstr = “1.000000” mask_gamma = “2.399999” slotmask = “0.800000” slotmask1 = “1.000000” slotwidth = “3.000000” double_slot = “2.000000” mclip = “0.350000” gamma_out = “3.049999” decons = “0.800000” post_br = “0.950000”

Finally, for those interested these are the Guest settings for your Guest-Advance. I saw that HyperspaceMadness has just released an upgrade of its package with your latest updates. Great :smiley:

#reference "shaders_slang/crt/crt-guest-advanced.slangp" 

CS = "2.000000" 
TNTC = "1.000000" 
WP = "-65.000000" 
wp_saturation = "1.200000" 
GAMMA_INPUT = "3.200000" 
m_glow = "1.000000" 
SIZEH = "12.000000" 
SIGMA_H = "3.499999" 
SIZEV = "12.000000" 
SIGMA_V = "3.499999" 
SIGMA_VB = "0.750000" 
glow = "0.600000" 
bloom = "0.700000" 
bloom_dist = "2.000000" 
halation = "-0.250000" 
gamma_c = "1.250000" 
brightboost = "1.400001" 
brightboost1 = "1.000000" 
gsl = "-1.000000" 
scanline1 = "5.500000" 
scanline2 = "7.000000" 
beam_min = "1.100000" 
beam_max = "0.950000" 
beam_size = "0.750000" 
vertmask = "-0.600000" 
scans = "1.150000" 
scan_falloff = "0.650000" 
spike = "1.400000" 
h_sharp = "3.500001" 
s_sharp = "0.700000" 
sth = "0.300000" 
warpX = "0.040000" 
warpY = "0.050000" 
csize = "0.115000" 
bsize1 = "0.300000" 
shadowMask = "9.000000" 
maskstr = "1.000000" 
mask_gamma = "2.399999" 
slotmask = "0.800000" 
slotmask1 = "1.000000" 
slotwidth = "3.000000" 
double_slot = "2.000000" 
mclip = "0.350000" 
gamma_out = "3.049999" 
decons = "0.800000" 
post_br = "0.950000"