Yeah that’s the one thing that may cause issues when it comes to smoothing, performance issues especially if people are used to your shader performing at a certain speed.
New Release Version (2023-11-28-r1):
Notable changes:
- NTSC shaders cleanup.
- Halation mask strength now allows negative values.
- High Resolution Scanlines feature added to the HD and NTSC versions (enable under interlacing options) .
- EDIT: fixes.
Download link:
What does the HD preset do, i.e. what is it’s intended usage? Thanks
It can handle greater input resolutions better due to a custom horizontal and vertical pixel filter. Input resolutions are greater because emulator core uses a higher resolution or you use something like scalers before the crt shader. It’s not this complicated…
Thanks. I’m enjoying your latest update. Composite looks beautiful on the Wings of Badniks (Sonic 1, Sonic CD, S&K etc)
Do you plan to add PAL in the future, or is the PAL57 preset the best way to go for European games?
This is an interesting question indeed. The main difference between PAL and NTSC games as RA sees it is the refresh rate being around 50Hz. Ofc. You can use any shader or preset for them, but indeed, the community would welcome another PAL signal shader.
OTOH I’m sticking my work with the current NTSC shaders, because they are a very correct basis to build on, and I’m familiar with how they work, and I’m not planning yet to do a new PAL alternative.
So I took the new High Resolution Scanlines feature for a spin, gotta say it’s interesting indeed. I tested the most popular edge smoothing shader “scalefx” on my rgb preset and these are the results:
My rgb preset:
Scalefx prepended in:
Scalefx with High Resolution Scanlines activated:
First thing I noticed is that it further smooths out pixel edges. Best place to see it is Captain Commado’s legs, they go from the “staircase” pixel look to just a smooth outlined pixel. That’s pretty much the effect I was hoping scalefx would have produced on it’s own, your new setting achieves what I was trying to do back when I released packs with scalefx presets included. Definitely interesting, almost unsure how to proceed with this lol, I’ll just continue playing around with it for now.
Yeah, I wouldn’t call this a specific connection look, but it’s still a nice effect. The best part is still it’s connected with the majority of other features, also scanline features. With my effect base it’s a bit different from just adding scanlines on top, you can also get all the (scanline) customizations and presets are easy to “upgrade”.
New Release Version (2023-11-28-r1):
Notable changes:
- NTSC shaders cleanup.
- Halation mask strength now allows negative values.
- High Resolution Scanlines feature added to the HD and NTSC versions (enable under interlacing options) .
- Negative “Clip Saturated Color Beams” mode improvement.
- EDIT: fixes.
- EDIT2: more fixes.
Download link:
Just a quick “demo” of more recent features…
Otherwise, I guess the repository version should be ready soon.
That new feature indeed will complete the smooth pixel look with something like scalefx or xbr-lvl3. Since you introduced this setting I’ve been asking myself if I want to create smooth pixel looking presets again, still haven’t come to a decision yet lol.
I might be interested in learning how to apply just a hint of smoothing for that hybrid look.
This is looking really nice!
Thank you. It’s funny cause I’m literally tweaking and playing around with this very setting when you posted that. Trying out different combinations until I hopefully hit a sweet spot with both scalefx and xbr-lvl3. I’ll post up pics again and maybe even a sample pack in my thread for you all to try.
New Release Version (2023-11-30-r1):
Notable changes:
- Fastest version improvements and some performance uplift.
- “Hires Scanlines” added to standard and fast versions.
- “Fine Glow Sampling” feature added for much better glow/m.glow shaping.
- “Bloom Substract” removed as it was obsoleted by “Fine Bloom Sampling”.
- Feedback is welcome as this is a repository update candidate.
Download link:
This is the highlight to me here. Curious on the changes this all brings. I’ll be testing this out and reporting with results later.
Is this the name of the smoothing like filter from ?
Setting the parameter with this name to 1.0 activates an alternate image handling mode, which requires the user to prepend etc. a scaling shader preset (scalefx, xbr…) for proper usage.