Updated: New release version (9.12.2020).
Notable changes:
- afterglow tweaked, lower/shorter persistence possible, default persistence lowered a bit
- some parameter tweaking, like mask strength param positioning etc.
- scanline brightness changes: as advanced tweaking was mocked at with some ‘auto’ functionalities, i removed scanline type 1&2 automatic brightness compensation, also scanline parameters now cannot increase brightness in any way excluding deconvergence, which shouldn’t cause clipping.
- new glow implementation, bigger, better, faster, complies with gaussian blur by definition. The only difference is normalized vs. normal distribution and the first has less glitches with low sigma. I also included a test preset for ‘debugging’ curiosity sake, portability etc. If there is a problem with glow, you can test the setup with blur-test preset.
Download link:
Feedback is welcome.
Edit: float framebuffer preference removed from blur standalone vertical.
Edit: Glow/Blur tweaks, menu formatting removed in reference blur versions.