Hello. Hopefully someone will be able to help me here. Really frustrated.
I downloaded and installed Lakka on my pc’s SSD using Generic.x86_64 version 4.3. It worked very well. Played some games. I am using a i7-7700k, 1TB SATA ssd, and nvidia GTX 1660. Was playing some ps2 games and thought about upgrading the gpu…so…got and installed a RTX 3070 Ti. Rebooted and it doesn’t work. Lakka froze on the boot/flower screen.
Tried deleting the retroarch cnfg file by directly accessing through another pc. Tried reinstalling v. 4.3 with usb key (multiple times). Tried installing the latest nightly build (12/29/2023 5.X). Tried installing older version (4.0). Tried altering retroarch cfg file directly from another pc (not SSH or command line…just using Notepad) adding video_driver = “vulcan” & “gl”. No good. Finally throwing my hands up. Maybe Lakka doesn’t like RTX 3070 tis?
Not sure what to do, so, posting here. I realize you probably would like log files. I can’t figure out how to do that. I can go directly into the Lakka box via another pc, as I would when I transferred ROMs, but not sure where to look for logs. Not sure how to do anything on flower splash screen as keyboard typing does nothing. Tried using Putty to SSH in, but, I don’t know what I’m doing. I put in the ip address and get a message to the effect of “access was denied”. I can’t see where to enter username and password as “root” in Putty and I get no prompt. It maybe I need to turn on SSH service on Lakka device? But, can’t seem to type anything into the Lakka box through keyboard directly. Lol…I do not know Linux/Command Line/SSH at all… If anyone has thoughts, appreciated. I was really enjoying Lakka for awhile…just thought a better gpu might help with slight stutter I get occasionally. Probably shouldn’t have touched it.