New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Hi All,

I followed the Sonkun install directions to a “T” and tried multiple times and when I select anything out of the 4K, 1440p, or 1080p directories it acts like it is loading but nothing actually applies and it reverts back to no shader. I am not getting an error in retroarch which is weird (on the latest verison). I also updated my guest-advanced files as outlined. Does anyone know what else I can check? The files in the main Sonkun dir work fine, just none of the HD files.


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Ok let’s take it from the top then. First thing’s first is making sure your driver is set to vulkan. How’s that looking? And did you download guest’s latest shader pack? His update pack is mandatory or my presets will fail to load. You won’t get his updated pack simply by updating your slang shaders you have to manually install it. I put a guide on how to install it on my first post as well.

I do really like how these presets look, somehow they made me realize that an aliased image could look good over crt and these presets in difference of a progressive image

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Hey Sonkun, thanks for the help.

I wasn’t running on Vulkan (forgot I switched to DX to test out some HDR) but I am now and same behavior. I downloaded the latest guest shader pack and deleted the directories like you recommended and had no issues following the guide. I also followed your guide at the start of the post where the shaders go. The weird thing is all “non-hd” shaders in your pack works fine, it is just the ones in the preset dirs. I’ll keep playing around with it and maybe try a fresh retroarch config file as I was using the mega-bezel pack previously and noticed every time I load a game it is defaulting to that even after I clear the global presets and core presets.

Edit - got it working! I did another online update of my slang shaders and that fixed whatever was wrong. Ty again for the help!

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Nice, I’m glad you got it up and running. Now it’s time to enjoy all your favorite classics again!

Hi! nice thread. Just one question. Which is the RGB option? I only see 0 s-video, 1 composite, 2 RF, and -1 quality. Is -1 RGB? Thanks in advance.

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Hey RetroGames4K. I’m a little confused here, where do you see those choices? The RGB presets is every 8th selection.

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Oh sorry. Didn’t know it was like this. Is this based on any other shader? I was in mega bezel thread, and at the end I saw your post, so I decided to enter. But the thing is those options come out on mega bezel as well. That’s why my confusion sorry.

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Just based on the guest hd shader with added special shader passes for the ntsc/svideo presets.

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Ok, thanks. I found you thread really interesting, and I can see that those options make a difference for my settings I’m doing it for making exact copy of my Sanyo CRT. I’m basing my setting on Mega Bezel, also this shader has got CRT Guest shader in it, and these options come out in the super XBR-NTSC preset ( 0 s-video, 1 composite, 2 RF, and -1 quality) but I don’t see RGB, and I though it could make a difference, also my settings are really close, I always think something is missing. My CRT is conected by Scart RGB that’s why I thought your thread would be a lot of help. I learned a lot in your thread but I see I can’t find the RGB Thanks for your help.

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Ah ok I see, I’m glad my thread was able to help you along the way.

I’m still a little confused here, did you download my latest pack in the first post? If so you should see the RGB presets in the pack.

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Don’t worry. I’ll check your settings. Thanks :grinning:

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If it’s the CRT-Guest Advance-NTSC settings you’re asking about, then there’s no RGB preset as far as I know. -1 is for Custom Quality, so that is required for some of the NTSC settings which follow to have any effect and allows you to customize the “NTSC” effect that is applied to the “signal”.


Ah so that’s what he meant I don’t why I didn’t realize that sooner. Guess it’s cause I didn’t use the ntsc guest shader at all for my presets so that threw me off on what he was talking about.

Sorry, I thought the presets you mentioned above was one of those settings. Sorry my English sometimes is not that good to explain properly sometimes.

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Does anyone else here think that, old crt had some sort of motion blur? i don’t know but my memory recalls such effect in my old tv when i was a kid and in other crts, maybe i could be wrong


I believe crts had very minimum motion blur, nothing like the motion blur you get with lcd screens though.


A motion blur shader can be prepended for a ghosting effect.

The HD version has afteglow implemented, which works similar to real crt’s afterglow. It can be set up for strength, longevity and saturation via parameters.


I always left those afterglow parameters at default and never touched them. Maybe I should play around with them and see how they look with different settings.


CRTs have afterglow (trails of light for some milliseconds), LCDs have ghosting, the more response time the more ghosting you get.