New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

New Version Release (04/06/2023)

Changes Made

  • Updated to guest.r’s latest shader version (2023-04-06-r1).

  • Uses the new interlace mode 4 with the new tweakable scanline (brightness) settings. @guest.r thank you for adding that in.

  • Fixed a previously undiscovered issue where ntsc 2-phase presets wouldn’t scale interlaced content properly and cause jagged sawtooth like lines.

Previous settings:

Current settings:

Grab the latest pack in the first post.


Does this mean deconvergence and scanlines had already been fixed with constantly switching internal resolution games?

I didn’t tweak any deconvergence or scanline settings as I’m not sure what needs to be fixed there. What issues are/were you having? You’re talking about interlaced content?

there were some problems that some people exposed me a very long time ago over hsm, i don’t know much that’s for sure if it is something it also occurs with this preset, but those guys had some problems with scanlines and deconvergence due to game’s over playstation having to change quite a lot of resolutions this could be mitigated a bit by making the viewport change sizes automatically

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looking at these presets, i must say i don’t think it happens, but my eyes could be wrong

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Can you give me a game title as an example? I haven’t been playing a lot of PlayStation games lately so I can’t remember which games do exactly what you say.

Simphony of the night switches between internal resolutions depending on the situation, it changes i think over videos, menus, gameplay and even load screens

the same with silent hill if i’m not wrong

Just did a quick play through using the newly fixed composite 2-phase shadow mask preset and I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

Using the SwanStation core with internal res at 1x.


Nice, we are going through some good way, i think also there is something with swanstation, by default it activates both disable interlacing and scaled dithering, i don’t know why it does the 1st one but i think the 2nd one does it because the internal resolution doesn’t match the original of the playstation? or maybe it does because it’s different compared to the reported one over Beetle psx HW let me show you about these difference in resolutions with hsm

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The Beetle HW core eh. Well I don’t feel like doing another playthrough on that core to check for any differences. If you want you can try it out and post some shots if you like

I had noticed that probably core resolution differences between both cores doesn’t happen at all now, so i think it is not a problem any longer in swanstation, i had confirmed by myself with this new interpolation preset and the fixed interlaced scale that your presets are quite perfect or mostly perfect for most if not any old console to get the closest experience to the true one

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masterly done you and guest.r are true experts in this matter

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Yeah that must’ve been a issue from long ago.

Thank you, I wouldn’t call myself a expert but I appreciate it lol. Guest.r is definitely the expert and the man though, none of this would be possible without his shader along with the other shader contributors who’s shaders I mix in with my presets.


i would really like to know before i go ahead to check more old games, which cores do you use for nes, snes and megadrive?

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Mesen (with the Palette setting set to Original Hardware)

Snes9x for snes

Genesis Plus GX for genesis


Nice, thank you so much for everything, have great rest of the day and i wish you good luck

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is this water supposed to be like this? (if the diagonal lines are not appreciable under the screenshot i will just take a picture of it)

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Yes according to the footage I used from this video below as a reference.

Skip to 12:47, you can see even when you’re not moving that you can still see the diagonal patterns in the water. It’s also another reason why I ended up choosing to gut and use the “composite” shader pass from the “crtsim” shader for the 3phase presets. Although yesterday I was thinking of returning to the “ntsc-adaptive” shader which would’ve gotten rid of the need to choose between 2phase and 3phase since it chooses the correct output for you automatically, even put together a quick preset and all then ditched the idea when I found a solution to my issue.


24 posts were split to a new topic: It’s Squabblin’ Time! guest preset edition