New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

gotta tell you something, this doesn’t look bad

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Definitely, that’s why I ended up choosing that shader “composite” shader pass to use for my 3phase presets, I like how it produces the ntsc 3-phase artifact effects on the water similar to that footage. I also had a very early first draft work in progress preset of “ntsc adaptive” shader that I mixed in with the hd guest shader. I know there’s already guest advanced ntsc shader but I wanted to try something new and different if I wouldn’t have gotten a shader issue of mines solved a few days ago, I ended up ditching the idea once I put out my latest preset pack.

Had you tried your presets already on videos? in my opinion they look pretty good on ffmpeg the problem is ffmpeg core itself, it has quite a lot of problems

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Oh yeah I’ve tried out a couple tv shows already, matter of fact I need to try my latest pack out since I’ve switched interlacing modes on my latest pack.

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I would recommend to use rgb for this commit, as old tv was something analogic transmitted via signals and not something on a vhs, obviously we can choose also any of the ntsc if we want a vhs effect to my guessing

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RGB is always exactly what I use too when I view shows.

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gotta tell you something, from too close you can perceive like some lines in blue color like a bit of weird separation, but if you get a bit far of the screen, it blends pretty good

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Lol that “seperation” is just the red sub pixels or the red “dots” from the shadow mask not displaying over the blue area. At least I believe that’s what you’re referring to.

i’m talking about more of a separation between some transitions the example i provided was an rgb example but is a bit more notable with ntsc, i don’t have a bit too much of a problem with it anyway

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Wait you mean lines going up and down vertically? Mind showing a shot up close of exactly what you mean?

In best quality, yeah i think are those i don’t think is a problem as those look good in other games and even the same game i was using as testing inside itself looks good

I had discovered that i maybe have a bgr tv


Ah ok. I was gonna say that there was a setting in guest that could change it to BGR or RBG I forget which one.

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Any scalefx-preset hangs up my game and freezes RetroArch, all original-presets work fine. Using 8x upscale on Silent Hill. Still looks fantstic as is but I’d like to use the reccomended one.


Thank you for the kind words, Silent Hill looks excellent with either svideo or ntsc 2-phase, either preset will take care of the dithering in that game.

Yeah scalefx presets are pretty gpu demanding, truth is they even slow my set up down. Only reason I added those in were because someone requested it so it’s more like a bonus more than anything. The recommended folder is the original ones for sure.

I would recommend to you to try out the original resolution it looks pretty good on this presets

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If you scale the resolution up anyway, then there is less of a reason for scalefx Shader. Try reducing the internal resolution in the core when using scalefx, maybe x2 would be enough.


Hmm there is some green line on alucard’s which apparently are distributed over all the image, this is not visible over the other masks but only shadow mask, i would really like to know if this was the way you intended the image to look like image

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That’s definely not the intention. That’s the composite 2-phase preset?

Edit: I think I know what you’re experiencing. Assuming you’re using the 2phase preset in that shot which it looks like you are, that usually happens when taking shots with the ntsc shaders, sometimes the image gets slightly distorted and colors sometimes “shift” soon as it snaps, least that happens to me at times.

I experience a similar effect when taking a screenshot:

Composite 2phase:

Composite 2phase Megadrive version:

And here’s a cam shot taken from my phone instead:

Looks ok to me in the phone shot.

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ok, i’ll try look it up with my phone later today then

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