New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

Unless, like me as many others did in the UK, imported the SFC, with RGB out. In fact, all the consoles I had of the 16-bit era were connected via RGB scart (PC Engine, Megadrive, Neo Geo).

I couldn’t stand Composite, let alone RF.

Ah yes, the old step-down transformer…now that takes me back lol.


hello I have a question I really don’t know much about the construction of shaders I wanted to know if it will be possible with sokun’s shaders to have the same blur effect on the sides

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Is that the Mega Bezel you’re using there? If so I don’t think you can just “combine” them together even with the new append/prepend feature.


I think it is @kokoko3k’s shader, and it also can’t be simply appended.


I decided to have fun and created some screens; because that’s what I always do.

Honestly, my biggest complain and problem the sheer amount of presets and too long filenames (as I use a single filename build from entire file path). Just clarifying here: This is a ME problem and does not need to be addressed, as in practical usage for most users this does not matter. But I wanted to have pointed it out and if you ever gonna rename files, which would break existing users configurations, then I recommend shorten folder names “original-presets” to “original” (same for scalefx) and “flat-screen” to “flat” (same for curved).

But I managed to workaround stuff. Screenshots are taken at 1440p resolution and I used the original-presets and flat-screen mode, as this makes comparison easier. I took only the first 8 neutral presets, as these are representative enough. The PNG images are converted into JPEG (92%), besides nearest.png, as I already encountered the filesize limit of this forum and the imgsli webservice. Not ideal, but workarounds are needed.




For anyone not familiar with this set, there are more variants with alternative coloring with the specifics of regions such as NTSC Japan or PAL, there are curved variants and every combination exist for 3 different target resolutions AND every single combination also has a scalefx variant. That’s a lot! This almost doubles the original size of all shaders_slang combined! How do you even manage to edit all of these in a consistent manner? That’s actually impressive.

An alternative core variant with only one of these sets would make sense. In example only the first 8 variants, without scalefx and maybe only one common resolution. This core folder could have the same file structure, just the other files and folders stripped out. That way if someone decides to install the full one, can just install over it without duplicates. All of this is just brainstorming idea and not trying to force my personal ideals how YOU should operate. Hope everyone has a good weekend. :slight_smile:


This is so cool, I love comparison pics like that! The presets are pretty amazing, and I love playing on the NTSC2 ones as it gives me the nostalgic feeling I had on my old CRT TV back in the day, and it also does wonders to pre-rendered backgrounds. It actually got me pretty excited to finish Final Fantasy 7 for the first time in my life, already at the end of Disc 2.

RetroArch Example - Imgsli

RetroArch Example - Imgsli

RetroArch Example - Imgsli

RetroArch Example - Imgsli


Oh man looking at FF7 screenshots hit me every time, my favorite game of all time. These look good and I am glad you are playing the game. At what resolution do you play and use shaders? For me PSX had a better connection to the TV and I remember less artifacts. It’s great that we have all the many ways to choose from.


True, I was playing Advance Wars on the GBA before this and NTSC2 makes the image have a seizure or something, but S-Video and RGB work flawlessly.

I’m playing at 4K on an OLED LG CX, it looks beautiful on it and the presets are doing some serious work. I really love how the colors are so bright and pop!

RetroArch Example - Imgsli

Advance Wars is great but I stopped at the last level cause it gets too frustrating, maybe if I played it 22 years ago on a handheld things might’ve been different, even if the presets are making a GBA pixel art game look so beautiful :skull:

RetroArch Example - Imgsli


Hi, just have a quick question, sorry if it’s been asked already. I’ve noticed this flickering effect on NES, and I was wondering how to remove it. This video shows the result, you can see the effect on the background trees when the screen scrolls

My settings:

  • “original preset” (instead of the scale-fx preset)
  • 1080p (to match my screen)
  • composite
  • NTSC 3-phase filter

Absolutely excellent shader btw, I love it and use it on everything.


Just tried with the updated version too, as well as switching to RF, but get the same result.

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I was actually waiting on you to do this after I put out this latest update.

I’m always down to hear your 2 cents about my presets, you pretty much played a part in me labeling them, make them organized and a bit more “professional” looking if you will. I consider you a partner in a sense since the reddit days and I will take into consideration of your feedback. It wouldn’t hurt to switch things like “flat-screen” to “flat” etc. When I’m ready to update again I’ll send you a pm and get your opinion on things like how we use to do before I put the next update out.

I love the collage of pics, gives a good demonstration of what these presets are about. The dreaded “x” in the svideo Mario pics is a common issue that I think most users already know about with the sgenpt-mix multpass shader.

I didn’t realize myself how many overall total presets come in my pack until I read that, didn’t think it would be almost doubled the amount of shaders_slang presets, I wanted to make sure I provide for as many people as I could lol. Just to let you know I manually edit each and every preset manually, call me old fashioned guess but I like to see everything that’s being done as I edit and go along. Time consuming? Hell yes but it gives me personal satisfaction I guess.

Hmm this sounds interesting. This will also be something I’ll go more into detail with you when I’m ready to update again.

@Winter47th All of those screen shots look sexy, I really like that GBA one. I never really used my presets on handheld except maybe DS once when I wanted to play some Castlevania Order of Ecclesia. Good to know my presets can ideally work on possibly any and every core available on RetroArch.

It’s posts like this that make me happy to keep tweaking these presets and keep trying to make them look better. To know that my presets made you want to play and finish a game makes me feel good. Thank you for those kind words and I hope you get into another classic after you finish FF7.


Yeah that’s an intended effect from the “composite” shader pass I have added to the 3-phase presets. I gutted and stripped that pass from the “crtsim” shader and added that in to the guest shader. I believe you can reduce the effect in the parameters through the “Composite Artifacts” settings.



Nice. That’s 3-phase you used for that Metal Slug pic? I would recommend 2-phase for MAME/FBNeo. In fact I need to update the first page and add a couple more systems to the list of outputs to use, computer systems as well such as x68000 and pc-98 etc.


You should probably make clear that this is fictional derived from the shader then, an Amstrad gx4000 for example doesn’t even have a real-life NTSC variant.


Yeah that’s a good point taken. I put that list together looking at it more from the core side of things in case someone wanted to use ntsc on any of the cores regardless of whether if such a output was used on real hardware or not. Maybe I should just stick to systems that actually used those ntsc outputs.


In real life you can convert everything and people do mods also (otherwise you’d be having no Genesis/Mega Drive S-Video for instance). I just think it’s misleading to imply “x did output like this”.


Ok. I’ll edit the list up when I get the chance. Matter of fact I gotta do some research on some of those more least popular systems (Amstrad gx4000 etc.) to see which output they did or didn’t use to make sure the info is correct.

Nice. Should hook that up and get some RetroArch going on it.


Hey sonkun, long time follower of the thread and user of your shaders, love them and thank you for them! I was wondering if there was someway to make the space between the horizontal scanlines a bit bigger? Trying to get closer to that pvm look. Cheers!


Hey there telepathos and welcome to the forum. For thicker scanlines the first setting I would try raising is Scanline Beam Shape Edges. That can be found in the Scanline Options section in the shader parameters. From there I would also try raising Scanline Shape Dark (and Bright) Pixels which can also be found in the same area.

Here’s my current settings:

Here’s after raising those three settings a bit:

The image will get a little darker as a result.

It’s not exactly pvm like but that should put you in the right direction. I’ve never tried to recreate the pvm/bvm look with the guest shader so this is a fun little experiment for myself as well now that we’re on the subject.