New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

i’ll check it out soon

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I’m not sure why the bar is over the content on your presets, it should not happen; will take a look later.


Aah got it; probably (still abit unsure) it is @guest.r’s afterglow; it makes sense and is probably even more accurate that way :slight_smile:


I believe that is the case as well. guest shader + dogway shader and now + koko res switch shader now makes everything look magical :heart_eyes: Things just keep becoming more amazing as the months go by around here, I wonder what amazing crt feature will be brought to the shader table next.


Hello sonkun, big fan of your presets and I’ve been enjoying them for quite some time on both PC and Xbox Series S. I’m sorry for bringing this up at all, but it appears the recent inclusion of “crt-resswitch-glitch-koko.slang” in the latest update introduced the following glitch on Xbox. I imagine it’s a consequence of D3D11 not playing nice with it?

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Uh oh. Let me get the author himself in here as that shader is his new baby, maybe he can better answer your question. @kokoko3k? I guess in the mean time you can disable it.

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Very likely, I did not test under d3d11 nor 12, but the shader is so simple that I doubt there is something I can do.

I said that in the past: d3dxx is not well supported by Retroarch shader system, on Xbox this is a problem, I know, what about D3D12?

I’ll try to reproduce in the next few days btw.

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I can tell you from my experience that it’s from the new resswitch glitch when using D3D11. Just double checked with D3D12 and seems to work fine with it.




Brightness is closer to my preset now, but I still like my scanlines a bit more defined :stuck_out_tongue:

Not a big fan of the flickering shader, a bit distracting, what’s the easiest way to disable it?

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@JosepMC: is d3d12 working with xbox?

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Funny you mention that. I’m working a small update that right now. I want to reduce one of the magic glow settings by a little bit but still keep the brightness if that makes any sense and I think I found just the setting to do it. That same setting also seems to give the added benefit of making the crt mask “pop” out a bit more, scanlines seem to become a tiny bit thicker as well unless my eyes are fooling me.

Current preset:

New settings:

Current preset:

New settings:

Notice Akuma’s gi, the mask pops more in darker colors, also for lighter areas such as Ryu’s gi and Sakura’s white shirt you can see the mask there better.

Those pics aren’t final just where I’m at and currently experimenting with.

It’s the very first setting in the parameters to turn it off.


Most cores on the Xbox version of RetroArch run on D3D11 and some parts of D3D12 (like shaders and menu backgrounds) don’t work there, so I believe I’m stuck with D3D11 over there.

But I just tried your sanity check for D3D11 and that indeed disabled your switchres shader, thus fixing the glitch. A bit unfortunate to miss it on Xbox, but that’s good enough for me, so thanks for the workaround. :slightly_smiling_face:


Damn, that’s unfortunate about D3D11 and xbox. Well least you’re back to normal on the screen again.

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Hallo. I do not know if this was posted before but I have an issue with NES games and this shader using Mesen. They all display like this. On Nestopia they display fine. No issue on other cores.

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You likely have a Mesen Core override that has the Video Driver set to D3D11. Either delete the override or you could change the Video Driver and then overwrite the old override.

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Try updating your slang shaders first, I believe @kokoko3k put out a quick fix update the other day that disables the new shader I have added into my presets which causes that issue for users that use the D3D11 driver, assuming that’s the driver you’re using. If not that then try what @hgoda90 said. Updating your shaders should resolve the issue though.

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My fault, I was sure I created a PR, but I did not. @hunterk, sorry for bothering you again. After the merge, you can try to '“online update” shaders. @petran791


New Version Release (01-28-2024)

Changes Made

  • Retweaked magic glow settings once again, turned the magic glow high setting from 7.00 to default 5.00, now both “low” and “high” magic glow settings are at the same value. Added magic glow distribution back, just a little bit this time.

  • Increased crt brightness within the grade shader from .30 to .35 matching the crt contrast in values. (They seem to work best together when they both match each other).

  • Decreased the luminance nits within grade from .23 to .15.

  • Added a little gamma correction within guest.

  • Adjusted both the bright/dark boost pixel settings within guest.

  • Decreased post brightness in the shadow mask presets by 1 value. (Tried to further “match” the bright levels across all three mask presets).

Download new pack in the first post.

Couple screenies:

At first I was gonna go for a whole new look but decided to keep the same look from the previous pack, or at least close to it. Wanted to rearrange some glow/brightness settings for the most part.

Let’s see how this pack plays out.


I see that Mesen was set to direct3d11. Switched to Vulkan and deleted the override files. Btw do I have to download the shaders from guest.r link or are they now incorporated into Retroarch?


Get them from the link still, I don’t think the newest guest shaders been uploaded to mainstream yet.

what game is that elvactr screen from?

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