New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

yes setting it to -0.10, -0.5 stay the same

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Crazy. Guess you’ll have to stick to one of those numbers then.

I wanna know something as it got into my eye lately after trying my modifications, in your mask size, is it really intended for some vertical rows to have this like pink look?

I don’t quite understand what you mean by vertical rows. Maybe post a pic so I can see what you mean?

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vertical phosphor rows image, in order is one color normal, pink. normal, pink for some reason is not viewable under screenshots

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Is this happening on a specific preset?

in all of them for me in 1080p, it doesn’t happen when increasing mask size

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I’m not seeing these pink vertical rows on my end at 1080p. Which game is that in the pic?

Silent hill, but it happens in all games across all consoles, which size is your 1080p setup?. and it has been like that since the first preset i tested of you, i thought it was something characteristic of your preset to have this pink vertical rows, but after testing stuff with mask size idk any longer if it is a problem or something

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Mask size is set to 1.00

sorry, mask zoom, i got it wrong about mask size, but yeah mask zoom 1 gets rid of this pink vertical rows and i think it looks a bit more even, mine is like a 40-45 inch 1080p tv, i know in fact that your presets look different in 4k even with -1 in mask zoom

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I used the Mask zoom on 4k presets to make them look like the 1080p presets. I use the 1080p presets more than I use the 4k ones and I don’t see these vertical rows that you mentioned. I game on a 65 inch 4k display

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Hmm, maybe is because the tv is probably not native 1080p, idk i don’t recall my tests of the 1080p in my 4k tv, i can’t do them anymore as i don’t have that tv any longer, also in my tv by increasing mask zoom, the preset also looks less overexposed in colors???

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Maybe. I’m not sure what you’re seeing on your end, everything looks right from my end. The only time I touched mask zoom was for the 4k presets to lower it

yeah, i do remember also something in fact that, 4k is capable of representing in a better and clearer viewable way the grouping of rgb phosphors, that’s why it can indeed represent tinier and even bigger phosphors without much of a visual problem because of how much pixels 4k has compare to 1080p, while 1080p has less pixels and is capable of representing and simulating less lines of crt. and if you goo too big it starts too look all clue with rgb squares

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New Version Release (02-17-2024-v3)

Changes Made

  • Uses guest.r shader version 2024-02-17-r1.

  • All rf and composite presets use the new “ntsc taps” setting (further enhances the chroma scaling setting, basically the overall image is a bit sharper/colors pop slightly more on ntsc 2-phase based games).

  • Chroma Scaling on all composite “megadrive rainbow” presets have been raised from 3.00 from the previous pack back up to 4.00.

Edit: Updated it again so now it’s called “02-17-2024-v2”. If you grabbed the pack earlier please grab it again and be sure to grab the latest guest.r shader update (2024-02-17-r1) as well as this release goes exclusively with his latest pack.

Edit 2: Version 3 now up. Tweaked sharpness settings in the “megadrive rainbow” presets.

Couple screenies (All composite shots)

Download the latest pack in the first post.

This post is all about composite, with those new ntsc settings I think I have made composite look a bit more sharper (2-phase based games at least). I hope you all enjoy.


@B-Nerd It’s working on my end but maybe it has to do with a mix of settings. If you can send me your grade settings (slangp) and the core you’re using (and on which backend) I can have a look.


Ah you have returned. Just to add I’ve had another Linux user have the same exact issue, defaulting that contrast setting allowed them to see the light again lol. @B-Nerd also said earlier today on discord that the issue also happens when loading grade up by itself and setting contract anywhere in the negative values.

Yes for a lil while : D a bugfix pass on all my projects.

So is this a linux only thing? The obvious would be a value overflow as in NaN, but if I can narrow down the affecting area the better as I don’t have much time lately.

So basically loading grade with default values. What core and what video backend?

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I believe any core with the vulkan driver and yes I’ve only heard of this issue from two Linux users only so far. That issue happens both with grade loaded by itself or with my presets. It’s only with that contrast setting turned to any of the negative values from what I’ve been told. My presets have contrast at -20.00, once they put it back to 0.00 they were able to see again.

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