New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

If that’s weird then I don’t want to be normal because I feel the same way as you lol. Thank you. I’m reaching out to another owner that has a bigger tv to see if I can grab that one too

Edit: Damn, the guy just contacted me and said he already sold it and forgot to take the ad down lol. A 36 inch tv would’ve been nice to have


Hey @sonkun! Just a small preset hint. Since the later versions the ntsc-base preset uses the horizontal glow/bloom passes from the /hd folder instead of /advanced due the compatibility with the snes hi-res feature. It’s good to know i guess.


I can’t wait for more of your presets, RC.


Man. Since my last sample pack I came up with about 5 different new variations of presets but none of them are “clicking” for me. Who would’ve thought the most hardest part of tweaking is getting clouds from Out Run correct lol. If worse come to worse I’ll just say to hell with it and just go ahead with the last sample pack from above but I don’t like giving up either lol.

At the moment I’m working on the hd preset, if the hd is good then the ntsc should be the same way with the information you stated.


haha there’s always one wierd thing that gets hyperfixated on right


Take your time, Son-Kun. I know it will come out wonderful.

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Always lol.

Most of this time I just been experimenting in the “grade” settings. I think I put together about 50 different presets since I last posted then ended up discarding them to start over lol. I think I got something now though, if I have time later today I’ll post up a 3rd sample pack for you guys to try out.

I started tweaking settings I never touched before just trying out different combinations, those tint settings alone can produce countless different results it’s insane.


@sonkun Tint controls are what I originally was trying to get you to use years ago :joy:


I blame you for all of you this and my obsessive behavior with these tint settings now lol. I wish other users on here were tampering with grade and those settings and sharing their results/ideas, I feel like I’m the only one going down this crazy rabbit hole but I’m having a lot fun doing it even though it can get annoying lol.


Man, I would love to see how you develop your presets especially since you have a CRT now.

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You mean like this? I think this is kind of what you meant…

(I’m not even joking when I say that this is how Battletoads actually looked for a lot of people, including myself.)

(Top image is JP; bottom image is US.)

I think that right now, you might be in a similar boat to how I was this past Christmas when I finally had all three things–an NES, an EverDrive, and a 1995 Toshiba CE20D10. No matter how much I messed with CRT shaders, the Grade shader, Composite signal shaders, and NES palettes (though this affects all consoles, not just NES), nothing ever looked similar enough to my real CRT. After several months, the things that ultimately solved that for me were just these two things. If you get these two things from almost any consumer TV, you can get close to that TV’s colors:

  1. The NTSC color correction axes. Grade doesn’t support this. In my case, they were in the TA8867AN chip’s data sheet. Instead of buying my TV’s service manual for ~$10 USD, I just looked through my CRT’s vents using my phone’s flashlight and found the chip that way, and I searched online for its data sheet.
  2. The TV’s white point, which I took by carefully eyeballing and averaging the top row of my NES’s palette on the 240p test suite. If I were rich, I would’ve used a colorimeter instead. I assume most TVs tried to be as close to the correct white as possible, but the white would drift as the TV kept being used.

This is my alternative grade shader that I’m going to be posting in a separate thread after I get some sleep. I’m hoping this will work better for you than just tweaking tint settings. Instead, you can set the composite demodulator axes (or pick from several known ones), the white point, and the consumer’s contast, brightness (black level), color (saturation), and tint (hue rotation)… and then of course you can append color-mangler to get back to the tint settings you’re used to, because no matter how much science and math you do, things never look right anyway. There’s phosphor simulation too, but it’s not worth the trouble at all; you should just stick to sRGB.


It’s nothing too crazy lol. I think my way of tweaking goes against the standard, most people probably use that test suite but with me I’m literally eye balling everything. Even though I’ve gotten my hands on a crt now I won’t use it as a base to make presets with, it was a cheap hand me down tv with washed out colors that I picked up on a whim for free. I’ll probably do presets based on a crt once I get my hands on a 32 inch size minimum, for now I’m just doing my usual sonkun craziness for my next pack. Also based off the mask I finally got to see on a real crt after years of not seeing one up close, the only mask that matches it from what I saw are my 4k presets so I would have to think about just sticking to 4k only presets if I’m going for more “accurate” crt route. But that’s another topic for another day I guess.

Never knew there were color differences between the regions. Now that got me wondering what other games does this.

I was gonna make presets based off the crt I just picked up but I don’t think it’s suitable. The main thing I got from it right away was the mask. It’s Slot Mask but from far away you can almost mistake it for Aperture Grille, kind of like how my 4k slot mask presets look. Only after going close to the screen us when you’ll notice the actual slot mask. I plan to do crt-like presets when I can get my hands on a better tv.

I’ll try out your links, where do I paste the “consumer-color” file info into? I can’t recall which folder has that file. Is in the crt/shaders folder? Also where should I place the tricolor folder after extracting it?

Right now out of the gazillion presets I’ve created since my last post I’m down to 3 left. I think I’m gonna just pick one of those and put that out, tweaking is starting to take a toll on me lol

@sonkun The battletoads thing is about color temperature (“white point”) being different between regions.


That’s right, cause JP uses a different white point than US.


Put the whole “trincolor” folder inside the root shaders folder next to shaders_slang, so you see two folders called “trincolor” and “shaders_slang” (possibly also with “shaders_glsl” and/or “shaders_cg”) next to each other. It has consumer-color.slang in the right place already. (It’s TRINcolor because the presets in the “trin” folder simulate a GDM-17SE1 Trinitron’s color, using data that Chthon posted in the Grade thread.) I’ll post proper instructions soon in my own thread, but just mess with the “demodulator preset” and Contrast/Brightness/Color/Tint settings for now.

If it doesn’t work… That means I screwed up.


IDK why but it’s not working for me and I followed your steps to the “T”. Am I doing something wrong?

Make sure that if you go inside the root “shaders” folder, you see three folders called “trincolor”, “shaders_slang”, and “shaders_glsl”. When you try to load the shader, the complete presets are in “trin”, not in “nes” or “megadrive”.

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I know very little about CRT tech and shaders, but i just wanted to commend you on how well-balanced the image looks. It’s very bright and colorful without looking really artificial


I got it to work. Just place both the trincolor folder and the consumer-color file right in the shaders folder. Load up a game then go in that folder and load up also the consumer color preset that’s inside then it’ll load.

Did some comparison shots.

Here’s a raw image:

Consumer color preset with the contrast setting switched to 0.1:

Here’s it combined with guest advanced hd:

@PlainOldPants I gotta say I can see myself getting lost in all those settings for days if I start playing around with it. I’ll definetly keep a eye on this.

In any case these are the two presets I been working on so far playing around in grade

This one I may end up using:

This one I just started this morning:

I’m liking the look of the second one, it’s just kind of dim. If I can brighten it a bit more without breaking the mask that could be a potential candidate. Plus I notice the Slot Mask is a bit thrown off every two or three scan lines, I’m thinking maybe the deconvergence is doing that or something else. I turned off all bloom settings and cranked up halation for that look while also turning up the halation mask setting a bit as well.


Thank you, sonkun. My goofy self wasn’t listening properly. I was supposed to put the trincolor folder in the shader roots directory lol. I got it to work fine. Sorry for derailing your topic, I was just curious of PlainOldPants’ shaders.