New sonkun crt guest advanced hd presets thread

I’m assuming that’s part of the design of how the ntsc adaptive shader works. I think it looks that way whether you put the rainbow setting value in the positive or the negative. To achieve that result I put both the “fringing” and “artifacting” settings on 2.00 then the rainbow setting on 1.00.

Try this out to see if it makes a difference, try setting the “artifacting” setting to 0 and leave the other two as is.

@guest.r would probably be able to give you a better answer to this as well.

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Rainbow effect is currently only enabled on “bar patterns”, otherwise there’s a lot of color artifacting on the screen.

It’s happening by default on checkerboard patterns though.

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In that case shouldn’t the rainbow effect also look the same in the mountains/tress part of the image above the log along with that small area of tress under the log? Aren’t those areas still considered “bar” areas as well?

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Not by pattern recognition. Otherwise the screen would be full of false positives.

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Ah ok got it. Well @ynnad4, I hope that helped explain the situation a little better.

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I’m testing a different approach, hopefully it will go well…


those 3 values are set by default on your RF preset

I saw there’s this new value called as MD (MegaDrive?) palette. Is this a new feature from Guest presets ? or you got it from some other additional shader?

I just notice the screen gets a bit more bright.

Also, not sure which one is the feature that triggers this but when moving the character, I see the some vibrating pixels around the grass. Dont know the technical term, but it happens in some recent presets with the Rainbow effect.


This NTSC Fringing value is what causes pixels around the grass to be “vibrating”. Do you know if there’s any situation or game that benefits from this feature? Setting value to 0 removes this effect, while keeping the rainbow intact. I used to have a Genesis console with Rainbow but by no means I remember this “vibrating” effect happening.

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That feature is indeed a new setting that’s apart of the updated “ntsc adaptive” shader that guest.r has incorporated in his guest advanced ntsc shader and in the stand alone “ntsc-adaptive” shader that can be found in the ntsc folder.

But let’s sit back for a little, guest.r above just now said he’s cooking up some new experiment in the lab. Let’s see what happens.

The main benefit I see from it is that it helps “dirty” up the signal and overall image which is exactly what I want. With fringing turned off it becomes too “clean” to me which is what my composite presets are for. I basically want rf to look like sh*t but still kind of clean looking at the same time lol.

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this is a little variant for RF warm in case you may like it.

#reference "aperture-grille/curved-screen/1080p/06-1080p-crt-guest-advanced-hd-aperture-grille-u-warm-rf.slangp"
g_MD_Pal = "1.000000"
cust_artifacting = "1.000000"
cust_fringing = "0.000000"
barspeed = "120.000000"
barintensity = "0.150000"
bogus_deconvergence11 = "1.000000"
deconrr = "-4.000000"
deconrg = "3.000000"
addnoised = "-0.100000"
noiseresd = "6.000000"

Really like the RF presets. They’re so scarse to find around. Even though RF is the most basic cable system you used to get by the early 90s.

Mono audio is mandatory I think to use with RF presets because audio was one way signal through that single cable and I set audio output rate to like 8400 hz to give an extra bad quality audio experience.


I won’t be home for a good few hours to test those settings. Mind posting a screenie?

just edited above—

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That’s definitely a interesting take, makes it look even more vintage and fuzzy looking. Ok then, I wonder what this new experiment guest.r is currently working on will bring to the table.

What setting is “g_MD_Pal”, a setting in grade?

the mega drive palette fix. I think this comes by default in BlastEm core though. The palette is a bit different there than GPGX.

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Ah ok. Also I notice you’re going more for a really “bad rf signal” look, I’ve come to learn that a clean rf look can be achieved as well at least from what I seen in some videos. I think I’m leaning more towards the cleaner look.

If its expected to get best Composite video & RF results, they have to have as many artifacts as possible, specially since RF.

I used to have one Genesis RF cable that had so much static, the so called Noise in here that you get overall issues to see the overall screen pixels. Aside of the dithering you get by default. But this was because the Pin cables were so badly damaged that couldn’t fit properly in the RF plug.

I had another of these RF cables but with just 1-2 pins that connected this way to the console, but it was Composite video being connected to TV. There was no Noise at all.

Be that as it may, RF is meant to have bad image quality.

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Believe me when I say I know all about those bad rf days, I had the snes and genesis both hooked up to two tvs sitting side by side to each other playing with my brother back in 91. He was a Nintendo fanboy and I’m a Sega whore until the day I die so we played both Sonic and Mario World next to each other trying to outdo and show which system was better while both of us being impressed by both games, bad rf signal and all lol.

I guess I’m just trying to switch things up a little bit here.

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If there’s something I could appreciate these days about presets and the wonderful type of work guys like you do, is to give some more love to RF presets.

It’s a bit confusing that there’s way more content about RGB rather than RF that is the most basic way to play these 90 games. It’s like the most fundamental way to play them back them, aside of the CRT TV looking.

If there’s something I think could be missing around here, its those video signal artifacts (Not rainbow) that only disturb video image and make them look so much worse. The Noise feature is good but not enough I think to bring actual justice to how Bad an RF signal can look into these games…

I mean, in the name of nostalgia!

Composite video gives sort of bad screen image because the dithering but RF is on a next level I think.

I still do have a Nintendo console with RF hooked up, even on a 1920x1800 screen and I still can see big artifacts with Rainbow colors but not like with Genesis games. The static is overall around the screen image. This is a whole different level of blurry bad image screen. This could potentially give a way better looking of the old experience. Just my opinion.

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I’m considering everything you’re saying in these posts, kind of makes me want to retweak and dirty up my rf presets when I get home later and put out a new pack. Its true that every 8 and 16 bit system I’ve owned in the early 90’s came prepackaged with the rf cable, it was pretty much standard in the US. I only started using composite on actual hardware when PlayStation and Saturn came on the scene along with all the other systems that followed after them.

For now though I’m just waiting to see what guest.r is about to present to us, sounds like he’s going to switch some things up concerning the md rainbow setting or maybe something else entirely. If I’m not home before he releases it hopefully you’ll test it out before me.

if there is something even greater to give more 90s old school experience, would be adding up more Love in these projects for RF looking. That’s just my opinion. Like said above, Noise is Good but not enough.

RF by default, SHOULD BE the way to play these classic consoles but there’s so little content to find around, though… and of course, effects to embrace that experience. At least with the Mono output and very low Output rate in options, this is greatly achieved for audio department, at least.

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I appreciate this conversation, thank you. I forgot you were the one that even got me started on going for the “mega drive rainbow” look months ago so you’ve been helping me along this journey for a while now. I’ll see how things go later when I get back in the lab, might even go with your settings above who knows. The RF presets will become my guinea pig to experiment on, gonna drag it through the mud and see how bad I can make it look lol.