Newbie Help Please

Hi guys

I am a newbie to Lakka i have Lakka 2.1 rc6, I am having issues with my xbox one controller, everytime I load a game and push a button the games go in what seems to be fastforward, I have tried playing around and remapping Input User 1 binds, and deleting the retroarch.cgf so it will create a new one, but It sill does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You

That probably means it’s disabling vsync for some reason.

So, the game run fine until you press a button on the pad? Is it any button or a particular button? Is it all cores or just some cores?

yes the games all ran fine until I pressed a button on the pad, this is weird because now I left lakka on after posting this, and went to try it now and it is not doing it anymore, so I have no explanation but I appreciate the quick response

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I have a newbie question as well. I can’t seem to fix the poor graphics quality when running SNES games on a default PC setup. The PC is very powerful i5,8GB,SSD and I think it is a shader issue but I can’t seem to find the right one to select, can’t seem to find a list of what they are and there are no descriptions for any of them. Many of them seem to break everything, I have reinstalled so many times trying to make this do what SNES9x does perfect out of the box on any Linux distro. What am I doing wrong?

i think shaders are GPU intensive, what’s the video card of the system? have you tried preset shaders option?

@Yurif74 Turns out I had a bad/incompatible HDMI cable. I changed it and everything is working perfectly with no need for shaders.

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