[nightly] Samba not working

After installing Lakka-Generic.i386-devel-20151125102524-r21205-g3c89451.img on an i386 nettop, while I can still detect the Lakka box and access it through SSH, it is now impossible to detect it as a SAMBA device in Windows.

This worked perfectly in Lakka-Generic.i386-devel-20151107184942-r21196-g294886a.img and before. So I had to revert to 20151107 to re-install my roms and controler config files…

Thanks for attention

Here is the only commit that affected samba during this timelapse : https://github.com/libretro/Lakka/commit/3c89451110d89857524954ad5b0c0558838f4f99

If you still have access to your lakka machine via ssh, and you have “sshfs” on another machine (definitely linux, but perhaps via cygwin under windows), you can always mount any portion of your Lakka machine’s file system on your local machine.

I use Fedora 22 on my main computer and laptop. Using your package manager on some linux system that is NOT your Lakka system, make sure “sshfs” is installed’ (yum install sshfs, dnf install sshfs, apt-get install sshfs).

I enter the following to mount my Lakka system on a local-to-my-current-machine mountpoint…

$> sshfs [email protected]:/storage <local-mountpoint> 

It will prompt for the root password, just as any ssh login would.

Lakka is running avahi by default, so using the name “lakka.local” should work just fine. Otherwise, substitute the ip address of your Lakka machine.

If your local mountpoint is /home/<username>/lakka, the above sshfs command will make the contents of “/storage” available under /home/<username>/lakka. You may edit, add, or delete anything on your Lakka machine as though it were a file on your local machine.