No Arcade rom working

Hi, I made an Image today for my raspberry pi 2. I have tons of arcade roms but no one is working. FBA FBA mam4all 0.37b11 0.149

What is right type/Version of romset now? Do I use exactly the same Version of FBA on the System?? When I loadf the FBA core, I can not see the Version (this tip was mentioned in the Forum).

When I put the zip files over Network in the roms-directory, they don’t appear. Scanning the System does not help.

Is there a general fault in this Image??

Please help, I wanna play arcada… Thanx!

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The playlist scanning doesn’t work with arcade roms, currently. You’ll just need to ‘load content’ and then navigate to it.

I think the ROMs should work.

Or you can use a script to generate a playlist too. I documented that recently, in the playlist page of our wiki.

I have a similar problem. Since i have an old RPI 1 i decided to use it as an old roms emulator: Lakka is nice and works ootb. I’ve read the documentation about arcade/mame roms so i decided to use FBAlpha0.2.97.38 [EDITED to remove link to ROMs. Please don’t do that under penalty of ban]. I’ve unpacked the archive and put it in roms/arcade folder.

However none of the roms are recognized.

I’m sure i’m missing a step, but although i’ve read many threads i couldn’t find a solution. Does anyone have a hint?

Thanks in advance