ODROID-VU7-Plus no display

I am using the official Odroid VU7-Plus touchscreen and would like to get it to display Lakka for an all in one solution.

I am using Odroid xu4 with the lakka version Lakka-OdroidXU3.arm-devel-20161221190908-r21729-g274b40f When I hook up to a regular monitor it works fine but when I plug into the VU7 plus I just get the white screen. I think this is because the display is 1024x600 but I don’t know how to change it to that display mode in the boot.ini or if there is an option to change it somewhere else.

Did some digging and the core needs to be updated to kernel 3.10.92-63 or higher but I’m not sure how to go about updating the kernel itself, I’ve tried the apt-get route but it doesn’t seem to do anything to update the linux kernel

Can you try to make a test with Lakka LibreELEC version ? I am not sure we are using kernel >= 3.10.92-63 but worth to try.

No luck, just a black screen thanks for trying though