Official MAME2014 Artworks only low Resolution with RA

hello, i have downloaded the latest widescreen artwork pack from progettosnaps.

have put them into: “/storage/System/mame2014/artworks/.”.

The Mame2014/2016 Core detect this correctly and loads on gamestart the matching artworks automatically.

But the Mame cores are showing the included images and overlays only at very low resolution (maybe arround blurry 800x600 or worst) instead of 1080p.

any ideas?

Use Lakka 2.1 RC3 - video setting is 1920 x 1080

I think you’d need to use the ‘alternate renderer’ or whatever core option (not sure if that core has it not, but the latest mame core does, at least). This messes up shaders, though, because it pushes a higher-resolution framebuffer.

hello, has tried. the Artwork-Overlays have ugly banding-artefacts on it in both modes. but the Resulution is MUCH better with ‘alternate renderer’ enabled. because the “banding” both modes are far from perfect i think.

with alternate rederer it seems Mame is skipping frames and the audio “crackles” a bit. (used with a 2x3,5 Ghz Skylake CPU).

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‘alternate renderer’ disabled (default setting)…

‘alternate renderer’ enabled…

using th same artwork-pack in Standalone Mame results in a crystal clear artwort without any banding or pixel-mess…

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Yeah, that’s because they render the artwork separately from the game image. For us, it’s all part of one framebuffer that comes from the core. If you want to show bezels, etc., we have an overlay system that will give you a similar output to MAME’s, though it’s not designed specifically for the artwork application, so MAME’s is easier to set up on a per-game basis.

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huuu. dont wan’t to use RA-overlays. they hide notifications and setting them up correctly and saving game overrides for all games is not so easy at all, for me at least… the mame-artwork works without any setting out of the box. just copy files… For now i stick again with my very old Maximus Arcade/MameUI setup for that. Thank you for the informations about it.

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