OK to preload Lakka onto gaming device that I am paid to make?

I remember the badness with Retron5, but I think maybe those people were being assholes in a specific way?

If I make a gaming device for someone, do I need to ask them to download and install Lakka themselves, or can I just skip that step and offer it preloaded?


Some of the cores are licensed noncommercial, and mass-scale for-profit selling of those cores is part of what Hyperkin did that was so shitty. They also weren’t releasing source code for the GPL cores they were using and were actively denying that it was our (or the upstream authors’) code in the first place.

If you’re just a guy who is getting paid to set up a Lakka installation for a friend or few, that’s not a big deal and we’re not going to jump all over you. If you start cranking them out in mass amounts in violation of licenses, we won’t be happy.

If you’re planning to make a business out of selling Lakka boxes, you’ll have to sell them as “lakka compatible” or whatever and have customers download and install it themselves.

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Thank you very much hunterk, very speedy and informative answer, as usual. And, this is an extremely reasonable stance on the matter, so it’s pleasing to hear.

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