P3st´s Overlays for Mega Bezel Shader (Arcade,TV´s ,and more)


so far so good , completed the GPi case/handheld theme (it has 77 dynamic wallaper) , now i tackle the desktop version for this theme

for the presets i gonna redo the channel and device led images before i release it doesn´t gonna take long if RL don´t interupt me again ^^


i also ad a monitor and arcade overlays to the auto preset in the coming update and bigbox theme ,

so it switches automatic from tv to arcade or monitor depending on the system

it will change the art automatic depending on the game but the display size stays the same to keep it working with the big box theme

the monitor for computer systems

also coming but not compatible with the big box theme

there will be a full arcade preset and it will also get an extra vertical version as stand alone preset

and i updated the VS system and neo geo overlay these will also change the art on itself

both of them are added to a non bigbox auto preset and as standalone aswell

in a few days its done


These look awesome m8!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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I absolutely LOVE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: the auto rotating cab graphic. Just brilliant!!


thanks it turned out really good i consider this maybe for my diy cab aswell …

i now have a crt for it (basically 2 tommorow) and with this i update it and make it all fancy with track ball , real coin mechanism etc. :sweat_smile:

i allways loved robotrons frames shapes so …why not just more :sweat_smile:

even after posting i got back on it or at least the marquee


kinda sorry that the update still takes a while , but …you see…

sry my cam gets really dark when trying to match the shutter speed :expressionless:

i got 2 crt monitors now (both for free i just wanted 1 for my diy cabinet) after some days of getting into that stuff and with a bit luck i could force the 17"down to a 320x240 mode etc.

and now i kinda have to adjust my presets again … to make them more realistic . :sweat_smile:… but i will upload at least the retroarch xmb gameboy theme next week and maybe at the end of the week the presets cuz i have 2 week of freetime in a row on my hand :+1:


the GPi \ Low Res xmb Theme colorized version preview



That reminds me I have to get back to make the Red Tent bezels. The early ones were crude.

The later ones got better.


I found a video of a guy fully restoring one a couple of days ago for those intereseted.


i would love to have one of those


my schedule is kinda screwed, to many things ongoing on the same time , had and still have internet problems and use a mobile connection that crawls more than anything else (but my new router comes today) … also some personal stuff is going on ,sry :man_shrugging:

anyways atm i make my main overlay more “future proof” with an 3D recration to make normal and height map simpler :slightly_smiling_face: some details and the second bezel is still missing buit here are some pics

combined render output in Blender

in Materialize

and in MBZ with an lighting test bulid


one of my many projects atm … for my crt display



How do I add the flyer artwork at the top in the “now featuring” box for the standalone Neo Geo overlay?

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if you want just to change the image \Mega_Bezel_Packs\P3sT\images\neogeo there are all the flyers :slightly_smiling_face:

I mean how do I place the image inside the box?

oh one solution would be to have the exact same res , otherwise you can set the placement and size of it , when you change the LED image layer position and size in the shader settings

I’m having trouble figuring it out. I clearly know how to get my game video in the arcade screen…I still just don’t know how I’ll be able to achieve putting an image in the box as well. Or would I have to place the image in the box first before using the overlay in RetroArch?

you can change all of this via the quick menu under shader then shader paramters and there you can config everything the shader has to offer to you likings …like i say is the LED image layer is the thing you want to change :slight_smile:

Any differences between the 2 published versions or should I just stick with the latest v1.04?

Or should I install v1.03 and then v1.04 on top of that?