I looked to see if there was any discussion of this anywhere on this forum, but surprisingly there doesn’t appear to be. My question is, why is this plugin not available for use on either the Mupen64Plus-Next or ParaLLEl cores bundled with Lakka? Mupen64Plus-Next only comes with GLideN64 and the HLE RSP, while ParaLLEl comes with just about everything except the ParaLLEl plugins it derives its name from. From the scripts on github, I can see they appear to be intentionally built without it.
Is ParaLLEl-RDP not working properly with Lakka? Or am I missing something? If I am, I apologize. I have been completely out of the loop for the past 5 years because of real life stuff, and I am barely catching up on all the amazing developments made since then (Vulkan, for example, was barely just being implemented experimentally in RetroArch, last I used it). I decided to build a Lakka box to take full advantage of everything RetroArch now has to offer, but this one thing appears to be out of reach unless I build Lakka myself. Would that be the only option here? Do let me know.