So the effect seems to be “dot crawl” and as far as I can tell, something called a “comb filter” mitigates it. And I could be wrong, but from what I’ve read and what little I could understand it seems that, as far as real TV sets are concerned, this is mostly a problem with PVMs. Which explains my problem. I’m trying to get it to look like a standard, off the shelf CRT from the early 90’s. Like when I was a kid. I feel like there is a huge emphasis in the emulation community on making retro games look like they’re being played on a PVM. That’s just not what I’ve been looking for.
The issue with mame_hlsl is the same issue I’m having with just about every shader; I like the look of an NTSC signal, but hate it by itself. And everything I layer on top seems to move it farther and farther away from the old RF/composite look. You can get close with some presets like Royale+NTSC Adaptive or Venom+NTSC if you tweak it a bit, but something is always off. And I’m starting to get the impression that half of it is just me remembering things as better looking than they were.
This right here was something I found wasting time on 4chan. It sums it up better than I can, though it does so in more confrontational way than I intend:
You see, I’m aiming for number four. What I usually get is number three with a little blur and some artifacts. Mame comes close, but I wish there was a way to dial that dot crawl back a notch.