possible to share? I like it a lot
I will tidy things up a little and then share the whole thing, I’ll update the my pack soon (probably today)!
I’m working on a new 1080p settings, based on my new philips CRT combo VHS.
This is how it looks right now, later I’ll try if I can make masks stronger, but I love the way it looks.
I think you posted the same image twice: same filename (and brightness)
Sorry, you are right, I’ll change it right now! thanks.
Hi, I just found something on Retroarch that was driving me crazy, I always new something was wrong, I don’t know if it’s a bug or is it me, but can someone confirm it and report it or something?. It has do with simple presets savings, toggle on, vs Toggle off, it seems that affects brightness, so it has an impact on the shaders, even without shaders you can noctice decrease of brightness when you switch it off.
Here’s and example:
Edit:also happens with other toggles like taking notifications off.I don’t know why that happens, but I think it affects with other options too, like changing video driver (I use Vulkan) if you change options on retroarch affects in a way in the brightness, it’s slightly but depending the options is more or less, and then you have to start tweaking a bit the shader settings and it’s annoying, also can affect to other people if the have different options enabled or disabled, so it won’t look the exactly the same as I have.
on my monitor I can’t tell any difference in brightness.
Try to zoom in! affects also sharpness and focus. just zoom in or try a mobile device.
on my mobile is not easy to switch back and forth between them but I couldn’t catch any differences
Let’s wait someone else with different monitors.
It’s slightly, but you can tell the difference, I’m doing it on PC though. But you can download the images on the mobile device and you will notice it.
I couldn’t see a difference either, pulled both images into Photoshop with the “Difference” layer mode, and it produced a full black image, which shows there’s absolutely no difference between the images as posted. Was the same screenshot perhaps uploaded twice accidentally?
That being said, an issue I’ve had in the past that I never figured out (It just kinda went away on its own) had random setting changes, no rhyme or reason to it that I could find, disabling HDR in RetroArch, is it possible that the source of the darkening you’re seeing is HDR being enabled/disabled?
Yes, I just changed it! Can you check again please?
Look the letters, the top one looks sharper, maybe it’s not brightness, but affects the image. Also look closely to the blue part.
I am for sure seeing increased blur in the example provided here, but not in the full images provided above. I wonder if the simple presets toggle is causing the shader stack to be applied in a different order? It looks like the image itself isn’t having any additional blur applied, just the mask/subpixels? That being said, I’ve not really looked at the effects this closely before, so I don’t necessarily know if that’s expected behavior or not. But if it’s not expected behavior, my first thought would be that the simple preset toggle is causing the shader stack to be either applied (or processed) in a different order than with simple presets toggled off.
Nope, no filters, and is the same preset, no changes, just a screenshot of each made just touching the simple preset toggle button on/off without aplying or loading or saving anything.
I can’t see any difference either, in the screenshots, and photoshop’s diff seems to confirm that; which point me to the other post where you were able to see a difference in output between Mame and FBNeo, and I wasn’t.
I wonder what’s going on
–edit byte identical files!:
koko@thinkbook# wget https://i.ibb.co/87vcsj6/demonwld-241212-125732.png
koko@thinkbook# wget https://i.ibb.co/mNZrvyF/demonwld-241212-125719.png
koko@thinkbook# diff demonwld-241212-125732.png demonwld-241212-125719.png -s
**Files demonwld-241212-125732.png and demonwld-241212-125719.png are identical**