RetroGames4K's Mega Bezel screen pics, gameplays & custom settings

For arcade and Neo Geo I recommend MAME 2010 core, for mega drive use Picodrive, for Snes use Snes9X. At least for me it looks better on those.

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Why Mame 2010?

I used MAME 2010 + MAME 2003 plus but i switched to FBNeo lately, mainly because of preemptive frames/ Run-Ahead.

Set it to 3 and it seems to work reliably across all of the games i tried, the latency is so reduced that playing is really a joy now.

Amiga’ s OCS/ECS chipsets had 4bit per channel so even 12bit (RGB444) is enough, but on the other side AGA have 24bit output, so it really needs RGB888, or you may get inaccurate colors and/or banding expecially on big copperlists.

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At least for my shader settings, other emus like FBNeo, it looks if it had more resolution and it doesn’t look right to me, the same happens with mega drive Genesis plus GX and picodrive, with Snes happens the same, snes9x looks better than BSNES also ok a real CRT looks blurrier. About amiga I confused that with my real CRT settings. So ignore that :sweat_smile:

It has to be something in the core options, because when I switched to FBNeo I didn’t noticed any change in the picture.

You may try to reset them…

…edit: Can’t find any related option in FBNeo core :man_shrugging:

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I do notice, it looks a bit blurrier, I thing it has to have something different from mame 2010, also MAME current has more resolution, some games I can’t perform natively on a CRT screen, but with mame 2010 I can, I don’t know why, but it’s like 480i, and I can’t change that. Some emus have different resolution or something, it doesn’t look the same on a CRT screen, some looks sharper and stronger, and others weaker and slightly blurrier.

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1:1 here:


MAME 2010:

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Fneo looks slightly blurrier to me in the snapshots, and also that affects the shader too, at least I can notice it. Mame 2010 looks a bit sharper, that’s why I use it.

I’m working on a new 1080p settings, based on my new philips CRT combo VHS.

This is my previous settings based on the Sanyo CRT.

And these ones the new updated one :point_down::point_down::point_down:


Hi @RetroGames4k - I wanted to compliment you further on your work: the series “The King Of Fighters” has always been a difficult beast to emulate in terms of shaders, because it has a particular graphic style and without using presets with upscalers like ScaleFX it all seemed so ineffective and unpleasant given its very particular and sometimes chaotic pixel art. With your work it’s a whole other thing, it all seems so homogeneous and beautiful to see, as well as strongly reminding me of the arcade cabinet I played a lot with. I can’t wait to see your future work with the new TV and I kindly ask you, if it’s possible, to update and always take into consideration your 1080 Presets because in the Retrogaming panorama they are a heritage. Thanks for your work!


I’m glad you like it! :smiley: I’m working on a new CRT gamma in and out, and with new mask, settings based on my new CRT Philips, this is my work so far :point_down::point_down::point_down:


Making some progress, I will continue working to strengthen the masks if I can, at moment, colours look similar to my new Philips CRT.


Giving the last touches for the new Philips settings.


at the time I had a Philips CRT and your setting is very similar to my old television I can’t wait to test your shader


Thanks, I’m trying my best, I will give some news updates when I can fix the gamma thing that always drives me crazy. :sweat:

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Soon I will post my new settings, here are the results.


Also I have a brighter one if anyone is interested :sweat_smile:


Development in progress…


Develompment Progress 2# Trying to make things brighter, trying not to push too much.


Develompment Progress 3#

Release Candidate 1#


Development Progress 4#

Making some tuning and sharpness…