Please show off what crt shaders can do!

I couldn’t see a difference either, pulled both images into Photoshop with the “Difference” layer mode, and it produced a full black image, which shows there’s absolutely no difference between the images as posted. Was the same screenshot perhaps uploaded twice accidentally?

That being said, an issue I’ve had in the past that I never figured out (It just kinda went away on its own) had random setting changes, no rhyme or reason to it that I could find, disabling HDR in RetroArch, is it possible that the source of the darkening you’re seeing is HDR being enabled/disabled?

Yes, I just changed it! Can you check again please?

Look the letters, the top one looks sharper, maybe it’s not brightness, but affects the image. Also look closely to the blue part.

I am for sure seeing increased blur in the example provided here, but not in the full images provided above. I wonder if the simple presets toggle is causing the shader stack to be applied in a different order? It looks like the image itself isn’t having any additional blur applied, just the mask/subpixels? That being said, I’ve not really looked at the effects this closely before, so I don’t necessarily know if that’s expected behavior or not. But if it’s not expected behavior, my first thought would be that the simple preset toggle is causing the shader stack to be either applied (or processed) in a different order than with simple presets toggled off.

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Nope, no filters, and is the same preset, no changes, just a screenshot of each made just touching the simple preset toggle button on/off without aplying or loading or saving anything.

I can’t see any difference either, in the screenshots, and photoshop’s diff seems to confirm that; which point me to the other post where you were able to see a difference in output between Mame and FBNeo, and I wasn’t.

I wonder what’s going on :sweat_smile:

–edit byte identical files!:

koko@thinkbook# wget
koko@thinkbook# wget
koko@thinkbook# diff demonwld-241212-125732.png demonwld-241212-125719.png -s
**Files demonwld-241212-125732.png and demonwld-241212-125719.png are identical**

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I can see the difference with my eyes with fbneo and mame 2010, mame 2010 looks slightly sharper than FBneo. It’s not about brightness, but in sharpness.

Can’t you see the difference with your eyes on those two photos above? I can see the difference just looking at them. I’m on my mobile device, one looks slightly sharper than the other.

Yes, I can see the difference in the zoomed text, however absolutely not in the in the full screenshots; but since the full screenshots are identical, one of the posts contains come bogus infos.

Assuming the wrong one is the first post, I’d say that in the second one the whole image has been shifted by half pixel down/right, producing a softer mask.



Now, since the mask seems to be tied to screen coordinates, is there a preset parameter or metadata that could produce such shift? @guest.r


Basic coord calculation goes like this:

#define gl_FragCoord (vTexCoord * OutputSize.xy)

vTexCoord = TexCoord * 1.00001;

vec2 maskcoord = gl_FragCoord.yx * 1.00001;

So far i didn’t have issues with this since early guest-dr-venom releases, the legacy approach from the GLSL port is still a part of the current code.

The only coordinate shift i experienced was introduced by enabling / introducing mip maps in some passes, had to change the shader pass order to avoid curvature artifacts.


Maybe is not the right place to further discuss what could be an issue with preset saving, but posting a full preset where you can spot the problem would shed some light on the issue.

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Maybe @Hunterk or @HyperspaceMadness can split it into a new topic.

I’ve been following but not really as in depth as you all so I didn’t want to say anything prematurely but this reminds me of a time when I accidentally changed one of the defaults in the Shader passes and my screenshots ended up a little barrier than my original preset.

It’s very easy to switch one of the filtering settings if navigating the menu especially with the analog stick.

In my case when I followed the Simple preset chain, I ended up discovering a full preset in between, which might have been saved automatically as a result of my accidentally changing one of the default scaling or filtering values while scrolling through the Shader chain or perhaps I had fallen asleep or something like that.

@RetroGames4K you can follow the Shader Preset chain and see if there is a full preset in between which should have been a Simple preset.

Coming to think of it, things like this used to happen a bit more frequently when building upon existing presets and accidentally saving a new preset as with the same name as an older preset from higher up the chain. That’s a no-no and preset breaking scenario. It would be nice if we could get an overwrite warning at some point.

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No, I haven’t change anything. If I open a preset and just by toggling the simple preset button on or off, changes something in the shader and I don’t know what it is. Even without shaders I can notice a difference in the image, that’s all. Just toblet you know. Maybe I’m perfectionist, I just won’t touch the toggle button. :sweat_smile:

It’s not your fault, Retroarch has something “invisible” that affects image in a way. When you toggle option buttons in retroarch, also affect sharpness on a CRT TV, like taking notifications off.

So this has nothing to do with shaders?

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Nope, I just tried it yesterday on the CRT and I think Retroarch does weird stuff. I found out that toggling drivers, D3D12 is slightly sharper than open GL, also toggling things like taking notifications off and power savings, does affect sharpness. I can tell the difference, even taking borderless off and leave exclusive full screen looks slightly better on a the CRT.


Seems odd this would be exclusive to a CRT, unless somehow he specific drivers/settings for it (e.g. switchres,emudriver) had an influence.

I would expect any sharpness changes to be more noticable on non-CRTs.

I’ve run into some issues with the Nivida driver and CRTs as second screen, where it’s necessary to make sure that no scaling is applied and scaling needs to be re-set to 1:1. But that’s a general issue, not RA releated.

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I have no scaling, and I have it natively, games look awesome, I just don’t touch settings knowing now that Retroarch messes a bit with the image.

New presets available!

Now getting the hang of this miniLED with BFI thing.


Where can I ged it to try? Thank you!

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You can get them all here of course!

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