-4 NTSC_FCC: The first NTSC standard (1953) that was never actually used
-3 Conrac: Phosphor gamut for the Conrac 7211N19 CRTs from which SMPTE-C was based
-2 Sony20_20: Sony Trinitron KV-20M20 NTSC-J CRT Gamut
-1 SMPTE: SMPTE-C standard phosphor
1 P22: SMPTE-C measured average Phosphor
2 NTSC_J: NTSC-J standard phosphor
3 EBU: EBU Tech.3213 PAL standard phosphor. Similar to sRGB
1-3 are the actual recommended for the presets. The reason I opted for P22 instead of SMPTE-C standard was IIRC a green tint that I disliked and stood out from the other two presets. Negative values are there for reference and comparison, I’m open to add more though.
By the way, the 9300K temperature of NTSC-J was more for studio monitors, the correlated temperature to D illuminant for home systems was more about 8942K for NTSC-J.