Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Yes that is because I increased red and blue gamma and decreased green gamma in settings. It looks just fine on my laptop, removing that greenish tint it has, but not so nice on my cellphone too indeed.


You should calibrate the monitor once for all :slight_smile:


Settings please! I would like to try them in ReShade.

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That’s a gaming laptop Legion Y720, don’t want to mess a lot with the Intel drivers, i keep the original Intel driver it had because it allows custom resolution 50hz for Amiga games. Newer drivers don’t allow custom resolutions (on Windows).

Anyway (my) CRT colors look different, more like SMPTE-C or NTSC with warmer grays than LCD. That is way more vivid and playful :stuck_out_tongue:

Not interested in promoting anything, so feel free to delete this post if against the rukes, but at the time i used windows i remember using atris lutcurve to fine tune colors; it does (did) not require messing with drivers


I will do it as soon I have finished tweaking my 4k settings as well, I will upload my pack, if I can tonight.:smiley:


Giving my last tweakings for 4k…


I checked it, nice app.

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I think I’ve finished tweaking, what do you think? Mask 6 1080p:

Mask 12 4K:


slotmask @ 1080p is a difficult task, I am sure. Looks good! I do notice that you are having to crop more than the usual in order to achieve a more convincing mask.

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I had to use integer scaling number 3 on mobile phone inside guest advanced settings, I think on PC doesn’t crop, but without integer scaling it wouldn’t be possible to do slotmask this way.

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Hi @RetroGames4K, I have a question, not just for you but to the community, this is not about your preset specifically but more about monitors: what I notice is that in some presets (yours as well) on my monitor they looks not so usable, the main thing is highlights and whites that look washed or with same kind of pushed gamma. The question: is it really my monitor that bad or I’m I missing something else? I’m on a 1080p asus vx239h, It’s by no means a new or premium monitor.

As and example in this image on the left is your preset, in the middle is my current one and on the right is the raw, no-shader screenshot.

so the whites looks very different between your preset and the raw image but my presets and the no-shader shot are quite similar on my monitor.

How is this image look on your monitors?

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Thanks for the comparison, I had color temperature -0.50, now I realise I shouldn’t use it…

Now looks white :sweat_smile:


Sorry, I misunderstood, I’m from Spain, and my English sometimes is limited, now I realised I understood wrong. Now I really apologize :sweat_smile: for my bad comprehension. I just erase what I said.

jajaja no pasa nada! this happens, English is not my native language either (im italian)!

Yeah now Kano is white again, I was starting to think that my monitor’s white-balance was way off! :sweat_smile:

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Grazie!!! :rofl::rofl: Thanks to your comparison I know now I won’t use colour temperature, I knew it look a bit reddish, but I thought it was because of deconvergence, but now looks better. :smiley:

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Everything generally look great but why is the saturation in the mask so different between the first and last screenshots?

The last one would be more my cup of tea as I’ve already been down the rabbit hole of what Bloom does to the mask, at least positive values.

I would think that a preset designed on and possibly targeting cellphone displays might be more inclined towards pushing mask strength/saturation/definition since many cellphone displays are very bright and it’s so easy to adjust the brightness.

I’m not in a position at the moment to judge the focus on a larger screen at a relatively far viewing distance.

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Which images do you mean? I do not touch colour saturation at all, now it’s by default 1.0, I only touched colour temperature -0.50 maybe that’s why they look different in some games. Now I only use mask bloom slightly a bit, nothing else.

This is in 4K, and here I use color temperature as well, also I raised internal resolution to 4K and used downscaled option to native resolution inside Duckstation core.

About the focus in far distance, that would be more dificult to adjust or tweak, as I have my screen not that far and this is the best I can achieve in close distance, if I raise more horizontal sharpness, loses detail and looks a bit off for me.

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@Hari-82 Yeah, this is why I recommend using mask strength @ 0.67

Alternatively, you can use masks 7 and 8. I love many of the presets here but 100% masks look bad on my display (LG C9 OLED)

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Hola RetroGames4K, creí que era el único español por aquí! I’m Spain too! (Me apaño leyendo, pero escribir me cuesta más). I use koko-aio and Hari-82 settings, but i would like to try your 1080p settings too.