Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Muy buenas caballero :grin: Encantado de tener un español aquí :grin::+1:t4: cuando tenga la oportunidad, subo mi configuración :smiley:


@c9f5fdda06 yep, going all out with mask strength have this effect (that I cannot explain quite well) where the gamma/contrast/brightnes are quite off on my display.

With my current presets I use mask 6 & 9 (mostly 6) with good results (contrast & brightness are looking ok to me) with mask stength @70 and slotmask @75. more then that and colors and contrast starts to be unpleasant…

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This is very surprising. Do you use Mask Layout 1? It’s basically a requirement for LG OLED TVs.

Also depending on how close or how far you sit from the screen, you could end up seeing the phosphor colour a bit unblended and if you’re using lower TVL Masks.

For closer viewing higher TVL Masks might look nicer.

The vast majority of my presets use 100% Mask Strength. There are plenty examples of them right in this thread.

When you say they look bad to you, what exactly do you mean?

Are you willing to troubleshoot and tweak some settings in order to see if it’s more in the recipe than something else?

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Hi, Cyber. Yes, I use mask layout 1 – in fact I use your presets :exploding_head:

At “100%” the mask destroys contrast and makes white look yellow which in turn colors everything slightly yellow-ish. The only way this doesn’t happen for me is with masks 7 and 8. However, if I use mask strength @ ~ 67 to 80 percent this doesn’t happen. Mind you I am at D65 whitepoint. Yet another trick is the mask bloom option. At ~ .30 it starts to makes white look white again and at ~70 it looks like text on my TV.

This is strange.

This is what I see:

I played around with different settings to get the white balance in the camera to match what I was seeing. I also deliberately took some slightly out of focus shots to more easily illustrate the bending of the RGB phosphors into white.

To me white looks as it should, which is white and yellow looks yellow. I don’t see any yellow tint in the white and this is all at 100% mask strength using RGB mask 6. As a matter of fact, I just realized that those pics were taken after my TV’s auto-dimming kicked in because I had a game just standing still just listening to the music for a while. I’m going to take a few with its full brightness and share them below.



I just realized something. I had made a copy of ,y presets folder and globally adjusted the deconvergence settings. My latest presets and screenshots were all made with these new reduced deconvergence settings which I have been using internally for a couple weeks now. I forgot all about this change even before I uploaded my recent preset pack. I had decided that I might have given it some more time or implement the deconvergence changes incrementally, possibly on a preset by preset basis or even abandon it altogether.

So upon noticing this I reverted to my original preset folder with my more “traditional” deconvergence settings and in some cases at least with thin white lines, it does appear slightly more yellow. It’s not a huge difference though.

Existing Deconvergence Settings

Experimental Deconvergence Settings

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If you compare the mask colours in white areas of both screenshots, the mask in the 4K screenshots looks purer to me compared to the Mask colours in the first 1080p pic.

Mask Bloom can wash out the mask in this manner.

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Ok.I will consider that, but 4k mask has 0.05 Mask bloom I know mobile phone looks different. And the pic of mortal kombat, I don’t know why but I realised that It had +0.50 color temperature, that’s why look weird, for some reason I made a mistake.

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Now looks better, I’m starting to tweak mask gamma. And looks stunning…


Did some research on the matter, example “chromaticity” looks just fine on my PC while it looks very pinky on some modes on my cellphones. And the reason is cellphones have a wider gamut that results in extra saturated colors while the OS doesn’t know to handle color gamut.

Narrow gamut colors (PC) on wide gamut (cellphone) = saturated

Wide gamut colors (CRT) on narrow gamut colors (PC) = desaturated

( the saturations aren’t correct for the target color space)

Will do some more research on this.

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Maybe you’re trying to replicate saturation from a wider gamut on lower gamut lcd ending up with oversaturated colors revealed by the smartphone?

Had the same experience with lg oled vs 72%gamut lcd


Yes it decompresses saturation of the narrow gamut display (PC, better call sRGB) resulting in oversaturated (pop) colors and vice versa.


Not sure how to handle the issue, maybe the best one can do is to ensure the final color matches the source one, leaving to the final display the final correction?

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Don’t really know, probably needs some deeper research.

OK so some phones are calibrated to sRGB like Samsung and Sony. My Sony shows identical colors to PC while an older HTC shows that pink tint. Most Chinese made phones are calibrated to NTSC so even though they use a wide gamut you get incorrect sRGB colors. Those phones are better without touching the colors at all.


I even doubt you can without rooting; the color calibration apps out there do nothing more than overlaying a solid color over everything and the samsung stock rom allows just for color temperature and vibrance tuning; don’t know about others, but one thing is for sure; if it is for personal use, then it makes sense to pre calibrate the shader; but if it is for wider usage, better staying with original look; mayne just highering the gamma a bit (it seems crt gamma was generally higher than modern displays)

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Definitely looks much better and more CRT TV-like.


Introducing CyberLab Smooth Neo-GX Ultra presets

Tap on image then zoom in for best viewing. Desktop users, right click then Open in New Tab, then press F11 for FullScreen. Non 4K users, zoom in until it looks correct.

Potential Spoiler Alert


My current preset (1080p) for Dreamcast @640x480 without scanlines here some 2D fighting games

Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service

Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike

Capcom vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000 Pro

Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Millionaire Fighting 2001

Marvel vs. Capcom 2


Splatterhouse arcade, Realistic vs realistic + mask bloom


For me it is better the 2nd shot, the first one is too dark for my screen.