Please show off what crt shaders can do!

Hi @Baelong, what preset are you using for your screen ?

I think it might work in 4k if you change just one param on my presets:

“Mask - Triad Size Desired”, change it from 3.00 to 4.00 and it probably will work in 4k! I can only see part of the screen in 4k, though (:stuck_out_tongue:) so, I need someone with a full 4k display to say if it indeed works and get good visuals.

This is how I see it (cropped to 1080p):

If they achieve some worth status, that’s for sure. For now, they’re just presets slightly tweaked. I’m playing with the params to extract their potentials.


Soon I will upload new Neo Geo Settings, this is a Release Candidate…


CyberLab CRT-Royale anyone?

Tap on image then zoom in for best viewing. Desktop users, right click then Open in New Tab, then press F11 for FullScreen. Non 4K users, zoom in until it looks correct.

Does anyone know if CRT-Royale has LG OLED friendly mask layouts like CRT-Guest-Advanced or Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor?

If not, does anyone know if they can be added to it?

Also, what’s going on with the Take Screenshots function these days?

I can’t take screenshots using CRT-Guest-Advanced-NTSC standalone, Sony Megatron Colour Video Monitor nor CRT-Royale. I’m using the Vulkan API.

Every time I try to take a screenshot the screen freezes and I get a soft lock. I can still hear the menu sound effects when I move the cursor.

I can take screenshots using GeForce Experience though.


Nope. All masks are based on RGB displays. Never looked into the code seriously, though.

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Okay, thanks. Quick question. How do I Prepend or Append other shaders to this for example NTSC Adaptive or Super XBR or maybe both?

Everytime I try everything looks dark and very blurry and there are some vertical yellow strokes in the top left corner of the screen like a power bar.

The smooth preset I have included on v4 and v5 uses super-xbr prepended. From there to a 4k preset you just need to change that mask param I mentioned earlier.

As for ntsc, it’s a bit tricky. But, you can get some idea from the crt-royale-ntsc presets inside “presets” folder (it’s not my presets, though). There’s a composite and an s-video preset there.

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Thanks, I kinda tried using some of the existing NTSC Presets as an example but so far I got the same result. I just tried copying and replacing the first 2 passes but that was a no go even after adjusting the paths from the existing NTSC Presets and replacing the first 2 passes of the prepended preset I made.

Thanks, I remember you told another user how to possibly convert to 4K but I kinda already fiddled around and came up with my own 4K Optimized settings which is what you see in the screenshots above.

I’m trying to learn how to do these things, hence the reason why I asked about Prepending and Appending but they didn’t work for whatever reason. I’d like to learn how to though because I know what I can do if I can combine the above presets with NTSC Adaptive as well as SuperXBR.

I’ll certainly not reinvent the wheel and will try to learn from your v4 and v5 at least how to combine the SuperXBR which seemed to suffer from the same issue as the NTSC Adaptive when I tried to combine them.

This shader is really cool, I must say. I guess it starts off really bright by default, at least using your settings as default and I found it easy enough to tone things down to where I kinda prefer them to be.

Still playing around. Early days. Thanks again!

Prepend and Append help to create new presets. But they don’t know how much prescaled the first shader block should have been. You need to edit the preset for the input to the second block be coherent.

For example, Royale is a crt shader that won’t work properly if you feed it with some input prescaled vertically, because if you do that, the scanlines will be to thin to be seen. So you have to prescale only horizontally, or else the combination won’t work.

For each combination, you first need to study each block separately and observe how the input should be on each one. Then you’ll figure out how to edit the created preset so that the combination works properly.

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Muchas gracias Señor!

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Lol, pero no es mi idioma.

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Is there anything I could use with 1024x768 resolution, @Hyllian? I am playing with one of those odd rectangular pixel plasma tvs…

With that resolution, you barely scale 8/16-bit games by 3x, which isn’t enough for most crt shader effects. With that resolution, you’d better use some simple scanline or even a crt shader without mask for a clear visual. Try some simple crt shaders like: crt-caligari, crt-nobody, zfast, etc.

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Okay, I will play with those and post something if I achieve anything good. Thanks.


These use the preset I mention here. I wanted to show what it can do in it’s current state before I apply the latest update.

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Release Candidate 2 Neo Geo…

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:partying_face: :partying_face:



This looks like a trinitron. What game is it? My CRT doesn’t look like that, has a different pattern.