Wow, that is a big list of name suggestions, thanks
But I don’t want to name a thread “Ultimate” or “Most accurate” etc., because I think it depends on the individual taste of each person what looks good and what does not. And also every CRT has a different look, so there is no such thing as accurate anyway.
I think my shader preset looks similar to a Sony Trinitron Consumer TV or Low TVL Sony PVM with RGB input and no composite artifacts etc. Just a clean RGB picture. I counted about 540 lines from left to right which results in around 400 effective TVL if I am not wrong.
How To Level Up Sony Megatron Color Video Monitor sounds nice for a thread name
Lilium’s tonemapping and GTU50 certainly upgrade the shader IMHO.
Thank you for the kind words. I think the shoutout goes to MajorPainTheCactus and Lilium for these excellent shaders. My competence is limited as I try just to use the available tools to get the CRT look right to my eyes. But thank you anyway!
I have to check if dithering is possible with some games (Sonic Waterfalls etc.) but I don’t think without an additional composite shader it will be there.