Please show off what crt shaders can do!

If I remember correctly, multipass shaders are faster than the single pass version.

Why is the single pass version still available then ?

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This is a hunterk question, lol.

Has the reflection shader got a 1080p GL version yet?

Multipass shaders are often faster, yes, but single-pass shaders are usually easier to integrate with other shaders in custom chains, and there are some situations/GPUs where they are slower (bandwidth-restricted). The repos also serve as a public service to archive many shaders that can be used in other programs which may not support multipass shaders at all.


So how do we know which one to use? I use CRT-Hyllian a lot. Is the SP or MP version prefferred/better? Both can run at full speed.

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@RealNC Honestly if they both look the same and they both run the same, I imagine it will be situational.

Like use the SP version if you want to run additional shaders in the chain, run MP if that’s all you’re wanting.

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If you want to easily append a shader to an existing preset, the single pass shader makes it trivial to do so. Compare how many passes there are for SP and MP.

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I’ve got to apologize, i hadn’t realize the preset on crt-guest-dr-venom-kurozumi was wacky. If the people didn’t get the same vibe as in the screenshot, i’m sorry that was my fault. The settings have been modified, because in many cases the scanlines were way to thick for a bvm/pvm style. So the guys who tried it had to small ones…

And if people tried some contra and had motion blur problems, well guess what, my fault, too

Anyways it’s all fixed now, the look is true to the vibe in the screenshot, and the motion blur problems have been addressed. Just update the shaders again and enjoy!


In the case of CRT-Hyllian, they look somewhat different. So as a result it seems one is a compromise of the other, but there’s no way to tell which one is which. Is the SP versions the “proper” one and the MP version a compromise intended for slow GPUs? Or is the MP one the proper one and the SP version is a compromise for situations where an SP shader is needed?

The single-pass version came first, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just pick the one you prefer. It’s not designed to be super-“accurate” anyway, just to look CRT-ish.


Thanks for your efforts! I can see why you believe the scan-lines were too thick. They are definitely thinner now.

Here’s another tweak I made to easymode halation. All attempts I used before were on mask type 7, this time I’m using the default mask type 4.

240p content

480 content

Tromzy I tried it out on Portrait of Ruin and here’s how it looks.

For 480i systems along with n64 and pc systems (pc 98, sharp x860000 etc) the parameters are:

Gamma Input 2.90 Gamma Output 1.95 Sharpness Horizontal 0.00 Sharpness Vertical 0.00 Mask Type 4.00 Mask Strength (both Min and Max) 0.50 Mask Size 1.00 Scanline Strength Min 0.00 Scanline Strength Max 0.00 Scanline Beam (both Min and Max) 1.00 Everything with “Geom” left to default Interlacing Toggle 0.00 (toggle to 1.00 for sprite based 2d games only, always keep it turned off for n64 though) Halation 0.15 Diffusion 0.15 Brightness 1.00

For 240p systems the parameters are:

Gamma Input 3.40 Gamma Output 1.70 (raise to 1.95 if image is too dark for you) Sharpness Horizontal 0.00 Sharpness Vertical 0.00 Mask Type 4.00 Mask Strength (both Min and Max) 0.50 Mask Size 1.00 Scanline Strength Min 0.00 Scanline Strength Max 0.00 Scanline Beam (both Min and Max) 1.00 Everything with “Geom” left to default Interlacing Toggle 0.00 Halation 0.15 Diffusion 0.15 Brightness 1.00

Shader Passes Shader # 1 Filter Linear Shader # 1 Scale 2x

Shader # 2 Filter Linear Shader # 2 Scale 2x

All other shader passes left on default, integer scale off, all cores in their core provided aspect ratio (except for mame which I customized for this post).


Hyllian is the most accurate shader I found when it comes to getting a high resolution PC CRT monitor look. Other shaders tend to look like CRT TVs, no matter how much I tweak them.

Some KurozumiGuest screenshots.


That looks really good! Only wish that shader had interlaced support.

To be honest I like your previous settings better. Plus, I put scanline strength to at least 0.80 because I really like how it looks with scanlines. And if I put “Shader Passes Shader # 1 Filter Linear Shader # 1 Scale 2x” my computer really struggles. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that mask type 7 makes all the difference it seems, all I really did this time around was use the default mask type and then blur everything so that the image doesn’t look as sharp, I like the smooth look better. I tried this tweak because I did notice with mask type 7 if you look at some darker shaded areas on any game it displays these weird looking dots, it’s hard to explain I would have to show a comparison pic. Once you notice it it’s hard to not notice it and the default mask type gets rid of that problem. Portrait of Ruin is a good example and is what made me try this latest tweak, take a look at Jonathan’s face. In any case I’m just experimenting, I think this tweak gives a certain nice look. I do love mask type 7 tho

Glad you have fun with it, what did you do for tweaking besides the curvature? To me the EOTF/gamma looks stronger. Didn’t try geometry, crt-guest can’t do trinitron curvature, doesn’t it?

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@Kurozumi About the Trinitron curvature, @hunterk said that Lottes Curvature (which is what guest.r uses) that you could get a Trinitron-like curvature by only using the (X curvature, I think?) And leaving Y at zero…

Might have to flip those instructions… as this is from memory. Basically set X or Y like normal and set the other to 0.

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