PopMetal Rockchip RK3288 just like ASUS TINKER but cant boot

PopMetal Rockchip RK3288 (link: https://www.cnx-software.com/2014/12/12/popmetal-development-board-rockchip-rk3288-gps-nfc-edp/ ) is same like asus tinker board…

but it cant be boot… is there have any idel ?

here is an idea, not supported.

but it CPU same with ASUS TINKER, maybe just like s905, find a dtb.img maybe boot it ?

Yeah nice idea, good luck on that.

Here’s another idea, buy an actual pc if you need that type of connectivity and power. A NUC would be nice.

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shakes head

I do believe what Demetris is trying to tell you is that while the CPU may be the same, everything else on that board is different than the Asus Tinker Board and therefore will prevent Lakka from working on it because of the different board architecture. Since they do not have the board you are asking for support on, hence the phrase “not supported”.

Why don’t you instead look at running the android tv operating system and running retroarch through that?

android run arch is ok, but I want boot from tf card and run lakka :slight_smile:

Get the HARDWARE developer to help you with that. :slight_smile: