Post CRT Shader benchmark comparisons

Many of us have slow GPUs. The CRT shader is often at the end of the pipeline. It is useful to share results.

// Retroarch libretro glsl shaders GPU load test

// 02/03/2020 clort

// Run Nvidia Jetson Nano @10w: 4x Cortex-A57 cores @ 1.43Ghz, Maxwell GPU with 128 CUDA cores @ 998mHz:

// Playing Snes9x 2005 v.1.36, retroarch 1.8.5 4.0x scale

// the measured numbers are the mode (most common value) of the GPU load in per-mille (n/1000). 1000 is full GPU load. Load for some shaders appears to vary up to 15%, not sure why (conditional branches?). Results from reading from the command:

// watch -t -n 2 cat /sys/devices/platform/host1x/57000000.gpu/load


55 crt-nes-mini (gradient per pixel)

61 gritsscanlines (kinda bloomy?)

64 zfast-crt (unobtrusive glow, light scanlines)

80 crt-clortsparkle

80 crt-pi

80 crt-pi-vertical

82 tvout-tweaks-linearized-multipass

84 crt-potato-cool (unobtrusive scanlines at 4x)

84 crt-potato-warm (unobtrusive scanlines at 4x)

90 yeetron (unobtrusive scanlines at 4x)

99 fakelottes (not as bloomy as crtsim)

101 crtsim (kinda blurry, grideffecty/noscanline, but some blooms, nice for speed)

119 crt-hylian-multipass

126 crt-y06-KV-M1420B-fast (realistic warp, mild scanlines ++)

134 yee64 (glowy, scanliney with phosphors)

143 crt-caligari

165 smuberstep-glow (glowy-not-scanliney)

172 crt-hyllian-multipass

188 phosphorlut

195 crt-cgwg-fast +

196 crt-interlaced-halation (nice glow)

202 crt-easymode

210 crt-hylian-3d (a blurry mess)

245 crtglow-gauss (nice dramatic bloom)

246 crt-guest-sm

256 crtglow-lanczos (real nice)

257 crt-lottes-fast

259 crt-guest-dr-venom-fast

260 crt-hylian

272 crt-torridgristle

273 gtuv50 (interesting colorblending)

301 crt-hylian-glow (nice glow!)

346 crt-easymode-halation

349 crt-y06-KV-M1420B

350 crt-y06-KV-M1420B-sharp (realistic warp, mild scanlines ++)

355 crtglow-gauss-ntsc-3phase (ntsc drift, nice dramatic bloom)

373 crt-aperture

382 crt-royale-fake-bloom-intel

395 crt-royale-fake-bloom

436 crt-geom

479 mame-hlsl

587 crt-royale (variable)

702 crt-guest-dr-venom

763 crt-lottes-multipass (highly variable - up to 802)

793 crt-royale-ntsc-256px-composite (up to 842)

913 crt-royale-ntsc-320px-composite (up to 991)

946 crt-royale-ntsc-256px-svideo (up to 992)

946 crt-royale-ntsc-320px-svideo (up to 992)

1000 crt-lottes

1000 crt-matthias

1000 crt-royale-pal-r57shell

1000 metacrt (but very cool)

FAILED crt-guest-dr-venom-kurozumi

FAILED crt-guest-dr-venom-ntsc-composite-stock


49 median_3x3

78 median_5x5

310 fast-bilateral-super-2xbr-3d-3p

312 slow-bilateral

399 crt-fast-bilateral-super-xbr

364 fast-bilateral-super-xbr

375 fast-bilateral-super-xbr-natural-vision (improved gamma)

399 fast-bilateral

556 fast-bilateral-super-xbr-4p (variable load)

774 fast-bilateral-super-xbr-6p (variable load)

some miscellaneous others

92 ddt

87 film (wow @ low gpu load)

113 advcartoon