Hi, I uploaded this game. It is iso. when I start the game in the Lakka, Monitor only shows Lakka flower then gets back to Lakka Menu. “Reset Core Association” shows: “has bin reset”. But I can not choose a core. Selecting content with Core PSP does not work either.
after I started playing, you will see in .cach this core. Clearing the cache does not bring any improvement.
Game : Medal_of_Honor_Heroes_USA_PSP-pSyPSP
lsb_release -a Lakka (official): devel-20180914000711-r28217-g74bf6c6 Lakka:~ # cat /etc/issue ###########################################
Lakka - The DIY retro emulation console
… visit http://www.lakka.tv …
Lakka (official): devel-20180914000711-r28217-g74bf6c6 (Generic.x86_64)