Question about Subpixel Layout (RGB/BGR)

If my subpixel layout display is BGR, I need change this in the shader parameter. This is OK for me. Mega Bezel shader presets allow this change.

What to do when this parameter is not preset?

Can I assume that every shader uses the RGB layout by default?

Does this rule apply to all types of masks (Shadow, Aperture, Slot)?

Thanks in advance!


I think it only matters when you want to use green/magenta like masks.

But if you’re after rgb/bgr masks, then there should be no alignment issues.

I may be wrong; someone?


I don’t think you should assume anything like this even though one possiblility is more likely than another.

You can live with the less than optimal subpixel layout, fix it yourself like Hyllian did with CRT-Royale or just use another shader.

No, Lottes or Shadow (Dot) Mask can give you RGB triads regardless of the Display’s subpixel layout unless maybe if the display has some weird or exotic layout.


No, it matters once you want to use subpixel accurate colour Masks, both RGB and Green Magenta. The subpixels mask colours need to match properly with the Display’s subpixel layout or you will get incorrect colours in the Mask, strange looking phosphor patterns and alignment issues and slightly off colour overall.


Regarding subpixel spacings, they are quite “terrible” when using a pure RGB mask on a RGB LCD, producing a magenta stripes feel.

RGB on RGB display: |r___g___b|r___g___b|r___g___b|r___g___b|

BGR on RGB display: |__b_g_r__|__b_g_r__|__b_g_r__|__b_g_r__|

BGR on RGB is “less terrible” regarding active subpixel spacings etc.


Isn’t green/magenta mask a subpixel accurate one?

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Yes, I changed the “.” to a “,” and the “B” to a “b”.

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Aaahh finally I’ve the issue clear, thanks!


yeah, this is why megatron and others use RGBX for the mask, so it’s


That’s a lot of black, but you end up with great spacing.


Thank you all for your contribution!