So I managed to get Lakka running pretty smooth on my RPi3 w/ Lakka-RPi2.arm-devel-20160319231640-r213780-g78af2e1. It runs PSP and SNES games smoothly. However, from the main menu when I try to run ROMs for GBA and PlayStation, they don’t work. It just reloads the menu. I figured I had the wrong BIOS installed, tried different ones, still didn’t work. So then I tried running them with a different core, that ended up working.
So the issue is, the default GBA core, gpSP, and the default PlayStation core, PCSX ReARMed, are completely useless on my RPi3. But, Beetle PSX and mGBA work perfectly fine. Is there some way to remove the two useless cores and have the main menu default to the two that actually run the games so I don’t have to use the “Load Content” menu every time I want to launch one of these games?