Recording Lakka interface?

Hi everyone, for some videos i’m creating i need to record some clips of Lakka menus and also some clip of gameplay. I have a raspberry pi zero and a macbook pro 2013 but i was not able in any way to record something. In particular i’ve tried virtualizing Lakka on my macbook, using the retroarch recording feature and every other method i can think of but i never was able to record something. Can someone help me? :smiley:

Have you tried OBS on your Macbook to record virtualized lakka?

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yes, it’s almost 5 hour that i’m trying to virtualize lakka but i wasn’t able to do it. I’m using virtualbox and lakka for x86 but after installing i get stuck on “started WPA supplicant” as below

NOTE: with the exact same installing procedure i was able to boot my macbook directly to lakka but the same usb wasn’t able to boot on virtualbox :frowning:

You tried with the ova image ?

Same problem also with the ova image:

  • live Lakka not functioning
  • after installing it on a vbox drive always stuck on Lakka startup page with the logo. :frowning:

I thought the ova image would have worked. We will need to check as we are not using Xorg Generic platform. We rely on DRM/KMS.

Thank you very much for your help.
Besides of the problem virtualizing Lakka, is there a way to record all the Lakka interface without using an expensive caption card? I’ve noted that x11grab was not present so i was not able to record directly on my macbook or my raspberry pi

We are not using Xorg so you can’t x11grab.

You should launch RetroArch on another Linux distribution for now.

ok thank you.
I’ve noticed that retroarch is a little bit different thank Lakka but i think i will take as it comes.

Keep me updated if you can resolve the vbox problem

If you need to have the same you can compile your own version with