wish there was a option for selection (fine tuning) the analog stick behaviour.
because some systems natively use round movement for the sticks (DC, PS1-4) and other use a more square/rectangle one (N64, PC).
Windows Tools like xinputplus can correct/compensate the behaviour of the actually stick to feels like matching the original hardware.
a build-in feature like this can be a great imporovement in some cases i think
for example: until now its tricky to perform things like “cycle-moves” (Zelda, Smash Bros) correctly on a X-box360/X-One/PS3/PS4 Pad… and on future racers like SW Episode 1 Racer you are only able to boost (by pressing up) if you drive straight forwards. if you steer a little to left or right the “boost-meter” falls down instantly. that makes many of these games allmost unplayable for me. on my opinion mostly needed on N64 Cores but can be helpfull for other cores
some other analog-stick tweaks where surely cool too (like saturation/linearity)