Seeing as this seems to have turned into a general thread about RetroArch 0.9.8, I’ll post some things here.
One ISO that works fine in the “real” Genesis Plus GX does not seem to work at all in RetroArch for some reason.
Shader and gamma settings are really unreliable on the Xbox 360 version. You can set everything up the way you want it and then after restarting the emulator the picture will look different. Shader settings tend to get “locked”, kind of like how GTK theme settings do on Linux (or at least did last time I used Linux). Thankfully you don’t have to remove the config file to “unlock” them, you can just restart RetroArch.
Even though the config file on the Xbox 360 version says “default_rom_startup_dir = “game:\roms””, clicking on “ROM Browser” in the menu does not land you in the “roms” directory. You still have to navigate there as if the setting doesn’t matter.
The handling of cores on consoles could do some work. I would suggest allowing the user to assign rom types to “default” cores. Let the user choose for example a default core for GBA roms, a default core for Mega-Drive roms, etc. Then when the user loads a rom, a core will be chosen automatically and the game will run.
For systems that need multiple files for one image alone (Sega CD, PS1, PC-Engine CD), it would be a lot more convenient if the file menu would only show one entry per image. If you have “Sonic CD.cue” and “Sonic CD.bin” for example, only show “Sonic CD.cue” (hiding the bin is better than hiding the cue since Redump images for example use multiple bin files).
Some other things about the interface on the Xbox 360 version. It would be easier to navigate and play around with settings if you could simply go back one step, either with the B button or another button, instead of going all the way back to the main menu. The ability to immediately return to the game by pressing the right analog stick would also do well.
The Wii version seems to break OV2’s hires-blend shader that I always use with SNES/SFC games.
I am very happy to see that the Golden Sun games now run full-speed on my Xbox 360 with the VBA-Next core! I have never been able to get such smooth GBA emulation on a console before.