RetroArch Android releases (v1.0.0.2)

Umm, Notaz already optimized the hell out of the 32X core - I don’t think there is much more he can do really on that front. You just have to accept the fact that the CPU in your phone is pretty obsolete by today’s standards and that it might not be able to handle such cores at the kind of speeds you desire.

Regarding the Xperia Play - somebody is sending it over so I will be able to test it then at least and fix the remaining issues to do with the controls and overall stability.

The issue with the xperia play is that you are accidentally bumping the touchpad. See my posts for the quick solution and suggestions for tweaking the source code.

wow, you’re right! Just barely touching either analogue control stick/pad screws up everything, otherwise it controls normal. That’s good to know!

Now there were a few other things I would like to know. On my Nintendo Wii version of RetroArch I can remove all the cores that I don’t want to use so that I can easily just use the CPS-1 and 2 cores. On my Android all I want to use are the Sega 32x and Virtual Boy cores as I have everything else I need emulated from other emulators that run better on my Xperia Play. Is there any way to get rid of all the bloatware from this emulator on android as I can with the Wii so that I can just use Picodrive and Virtualboy? I have looked all over the sdcard on my phone and can’t find where to delete the cores or where they are installed. thanks (EDIT: I found them looking around in the dir /mnt/asec/org.retroarch-1/lib/ My problem now is that I cannot delete them using sdmaid pro like I can with other files. I go to delete the files and it tried to delete them and then comes back with an error telling me I need root? How is that? My phone was rooted, unlocked bootloader, superuser permissions, and is running a custom kernel (DooMKerneL) and I can delete anything else I want with SDmaid Pro and I can also use TitaniumBackup as well without an issue to move files to the sd card and delete system files etc… SDmaid Pro has root permissions, and even checks for it upon starting it up. So why can’t I delete these cores? I’m lost here…lol)

Also, I noticed that you have decided to not use frame skipping for whatever reason which is why your emulator runs so slow on Xperia Play (the only REAL cellphone with game controls), and it would be a million times more fun if auto frame skipping were enabled as even things like NES emulation runs slow on retroarch using the X Play. Is it possible to somehow hack the emu to give it frame skipping for those of us that want a real controller on our cellphones and for those of us that don’t want that bulky Shield gaming device? I can easily run DraStic games on my device without lag or slowdowns thanks to a little frame skipping and good coding. The fact this emu runs so slow playing virtual boy and 32x is sad considering it could run perfect with slightly better coding and frameskip enabled. Not trying to complain, I’m just saying… I wish someone could bring forth the 32x and Virtual Boy emulator, perhaps in separate emulator packages like R. Broglia does.

Also, one more thing. No matter WHAT I set the framerate to on my Xperia play I get bad sound and audio pops even on NES emulation. I have tried everything from 58.00 to 60fps and get no real improvements following your examples. It seems to run best on 59.25fps but still not perfect. Does anyone have a recommended setting for this emu using X Play? I can run the cpu at 2.0Ghz without an issue and the problem still persists so it has to be a framerate issue. thanks.

Or it could be that your Xperia Play (combined with the added Android overhead) simply cannot deliver with frameskip 0.

Sorry, we feel very strongly about not catering to frameskipping of any kind - that is why we have no global “auto frameskipping” option.

We do have “constant frameskip” options for some cores like Desmume and PCSX ReARMed but no auto frameskipping really.

I really doubt maister wants to add it either.

I’'m sorry but perhaps you just have to accept the fact that your hardware cannot meet our demands - and that is zero frameskip, and with audio latency (at worst) being 160ms or so - and 64ms in more ideal use cases. If for whatever reason your hardware can’t meet those demands (whether this be through a combination of OS overhead or suboptimal drivers), then you will perhaps be better served by other emu ports that don’t have such requirements.

We consider auto frameskipping to be unplayable.

But really, if you are just going to word your post like “I like Broglia’s stuff better and I only want your stuff for the leftovers” (to the point where you call the other cores “bloatware”) then really I feel a certain sense of entitlement and a certain sense of ungratefulness really - which is all the more reason why I’d rather not cater to the kind of people that are basically telling me “I want my game to run like shit because that makes it fullspeed and I consider that ‘better’ rather than aiming at doing a good job, and I basically expect all this on ghetto junk hardware that even Sony no longer supports”. Really, if you just bought a new handset or something you wouldn’t run into all these problems in the first place.

I’m sorry but your post comes across as insulting.

“a little better coding” - this is an insult - especially when the guy you are referring to (Robert Broglia) is a disgusting shameful moneygrubbing hack whose stuff cannot ever match our program - whether it be in audio latency, video latency, input latency, etc.

You are basically telling us “I want frameskip in” and then somehow misrepresenting that as “your code is bad because it doesn’t have auto frameskipping in” and then basically accusing us of doing a worse job than Broglia. And all this because you use this Xperia Play handset - an old, abandoned Snapdragon that is single-core (a Galaxy S4 by comparison has a Snapdragon S400 - quad core) - and Sony itself no longer supports it because it bombed. Not to mention it has never received a firmware update after 2.3.

I mean, I still don’t get why you throw in all these sly insults like this and then expect us to respond to it as if this is all somehow cool and all.

You are basically telling us “I have an old, abandoned device that RetroArch doesn’t run well on. It is your fault you are not catering to old, shit, dated devices and I like Broglia’s stuff better and I only want your cores for the stuff he doesn’t do”. That is basically what you are telling me, right? Then you say you don’t want to buy a device (Shield/newer phone) that could actually do a decent job unlike the device you INSIST on using. I am sorry but if that is the case, I find it hard to take you seriously - you basically make your own bed (as in - using an outdated Xperia Play) - then you expect it to lay the golden egg - well, dont’ be surprised then when you are awfully surprised that it doesn’t lay that golden egg. You say you want hardware controls on your phone- well, you can, but apparently it comes at a price - vastly outdated/weak hardware that can’t really do much of anything anymore. No, auto frameskipping does not mean it CAN handle it and it is unlikely that maister will ever want to add an auto frameskip option anyway.

Well lol, if thats how you feel about it fuck you then. How’s that for an insult? Your emulator sucks dick! How about that insult? lol But seriously… you have a real fucked way to look at things and all in all if your going to be an asshole then fuck your emulator. This world has too many pricks in it, and apparently your just one of them. Enjoy making your emu for the fucking pieces of shit cellphones that don’t even have a fucking control pad, and just use that pointless uncontrollable touchscreen bullshit, or that fucking piece of shit Nvidia shield nobody I know of is going to be carrying around. Because without adding motherfucking frameskipping your emulator is fucking useless to the majority of users out there. Sorry if you don’t like my harsh attitude but seriously, if your going to make an emulator for cellphones, at least make it work on the vast MAJORITY of them. Also, while I’m here I might as well point out, yeah, Broglia might be money hungry, but his god damn emu’s have a ton of great options, better gui that is easily workable and looks good, and the emu’s he has on the market fucking work like a charm (other than some NeoGeo games). Also, if DraStic can run wonderfully on my old outdated fucking Xperia Play, but your high and mighty emu doesn’t, what does that tell you? Get real. Stop giving me bullshit. All you had to say was, “fuck you, we hate frame skipping and that’s that! You’r Xperia sucks! We refuse to support it” instead of going though all the trouble to tell me paragraphs of bullshit like I hurt your puhdussy or something. LOL

BTW to any fellow moderator - please let his post stay up - just so that you can see the mindset behind it.

This is an interesting case study in entitlement and generally low-life hood rat behavior. Just so people know I am not kidding when I say the whole mobile phone babby userbase is filled with disgusting bottomfeeding creatures. It is a sewer of shit made even all the worse by the Scientology-like “cults of personalities” that are extracting money out of these sewer creatures - like the Broglias and co.

I can say as having a xperia play almost all retroarch emulators work perfectly.

It is true that some need OVERCLOCK to 1.4 ghz (but the processor SNAPDRAGON no problem)

Virtual boy, CPS3, 32X, are the ones who need to overclock.

Other directly like GAMEBOY ADVANCED or SNES or do not work directly DeSmuME playable.

But it’s no problem because RETROARCH is simply fantastic, is wonderful, the work behind it is magnificent, and anyone who takes years emulating (like me) quickly realizes.

I go into the forum every day and I’m looking forward to come out:

    • N64 Emulator Two. - Support for MegaCD OGG Three. - Lynx Emulator

And if my phone does not have the much desired power suficientepara N64 emulator, no problem because it is the fault of my phone not programmers…

There you go - another user doesn’t have all these problems.

So to the angry guy - perhaps the problem exists somewhere between the keyboard and the chair, or in this case, the touchscreen and the chair.

Quoted for posterity.

To any mod - don’t delete it, it serves to illustrate a point - as to the mindset of your average guy in this mobile babby scene.

This is often the case in all IT related issues, 99% of the time :slight_smile:

angry user, lol! far from it. I might curse a lot, but angry? nope. I have been smiling the entire time. The funny thing is, you could add frameskip as an OPTION. Woah revelation! People can have an OPTION to enable or disable it at will! Holy shit! really? Yeah… no shit! :smiley: It’s a way to make more people happy out there instead of forcing that shit down their throats.

Also, really… I wouldn’t look at your RetroArch as an afterthought for just two emulators if it felt a bit more refined. But, as it goes, other emu’s have better GUI and feel more refined. So shoot me! :smiley: RetroArch is for 32x and Virtual Boy until it improves. Just my two cents. :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, so since it is the case that neither maister or me feel like adding it because we feel it would suck badly -

how about you go code it then and give us a pull request? Prove us wrong that adding auto frameskip will not suck badly - because we are almost certain it will. You don’t want to take us at our word - so fine - you go do it and prove us wrong then. Go on.

OK, so since it is the case that neither maister or me feel like adding it because we feel it would suck badly -

how about you go code it then and give us a pull request? Prove us wrong that adding auto frameskip will not suck badly - because we are almost certain it will. You don’t want to take us at our word - so fine - you go do it and prove us wrong then. Go on.[/quote]

hahaha there you go! I like your spunk! :smiley: Perhaps I will then! Just give me time to take classes that teach how to do it first then your on bro! :smiley: But seriously, if you won’t add it then it’s your choice, however, having an added option for users to take advantage of is not really something sucky as they can always turn it OFF if they so desire to have that awesome experience that your emulator is trying to give people. The rest of us can turn it ON if we just want the damn thing to run faster. lol :smiley:

This reminds me of the old days of LaserDisc vs DVDs… purist vs compression geeks… Bin/Cue vs ISO/MP3 crowds. lol too funny! :wink:

Adding frameskip is not as simple you might think. It requires some pretty invasive modification to the program, which would likely be very bad for performance on devices that can currently handle the static sync model.

A better analogy than purists vs compression geeks would be when the TV/movie scenesters switched from xvid/avi to x264/mp4 to get better quality at smaller filesizes (i.e., win/win) and the internet masses flipped their shit because ZOMG MY ANCIENT SHITTY DVD PLAYER WON’T PLAY THAT FORMAT. Incompatibility with outdated devices is the price of progress, unfortunately.

I have an Xperia Play too but it’s 2 years old now and I don’t expect to run the latest games or cps3 games on it, hence why I bought an nvidia shield, and probably in two years ill buy another upgrade…tech moves on you can’t expect to run SF3 on a GP32. Retroarch is kinda like MAME after the split up, in the fact it’s emulation is going for accuracy rather than speed, in the long run its the best way to go otherwise everyone will end up with average emulation running very fast!

The issue with frameskip is that it makes audio/video sync much much more difficult. Frame duping can make it easier, but there still will be issues with it, not to mention a lot of old games using 60hz effects for flickering and transparency. Even for games that don’t, the visuals take a hit and the game feels more like a slideshow. (Please don’t bring that “eyes can’t see 60fps” bullshit in here btw.)

You can try implementing it, but also note that frameskip does not fix all performance issues. Also, if you capitalize your posts correctly you seem less like an angry bitter child. Just for future reference.

Hunterk said it best. Makes more sense now. Understood. :stuck_out_tongue: I prefer analogue anyway so I must have missed the xvid -> mp4 conversion and DVD thing, (I didn’t buy DVDs). I went from LaserDisc to BluRay disc and still prefer my LD’s when it comes to the classics. But that’s another story altogether. :smiley:

jaycee900, I’m not arguing that with anyone. I never mentioned CPS3 did I? I’m talking about old ass Virtual Boy and Sega 32x. lol I just got done playing Metal Slug 7 on Drastic, (which is pretty new as far as emulators go), with zero frameskip on my Xperia Play and it ran just fine 100%, along with Resident Evil DS and Ridge Racer. When overclocked to 2Ghz it runs newer decent emulators just fine and the older ones play fine at 1-1.5Ghz with no frameskip. The fact that this damn thing won’t run 32x and Virtual Boy decently at 2Ghz is something else to me. I figured frameskip might help the situation until those emulators get sorted out and running fully without frameskip on the Xperia Play. Also average emulation running very fast is a good thing for the simple fact that this is not the real thing. Only playing these games on the REAL machine is the real deal. Otherwise it’s just a simulation and no matter how accurate it gets it will never be like the real thing, so who cares? Just make it run fast and it will be fun. This is for an android device of all things. Fun on the go… It’s not like I need 100% accuracy while playing it on an android device on a lunch break or waiting in the doctors office. :stuck_out_tongue:

And for Mr Toad King, like I told the guy above it doesn’t need 100% accuracy. We are not playing on the real consoles, using the real console controllers, nor are we at home playing this on our home theatre. This is for an android device. Now if all these emulators of RetroArch are all the same cores and emulators and your trying to get perfect emulation on a Mac or PC or something and then just porting it to Android I can understand. But, if this android version is made from different source and is supposed to be specifically only for the android, then who cares? lol I guess I just look at it different than you guys do, but to each his own I guess. I’m giving constructive criticism and if you disagree then fine, and if it’s not meant to be on this emulator then that’s fine also. I would just like to see Virtual Boy and 32x running at full speed in some fashion or form on the Xperia Play since it is the only cellphone available that has the means to feel like a portable gaming cellphone. and this is the only emulator that supports them as of right now.

Capitalizing my posts correctly is not of any importance to me, especially at the time I left my earlier posts as I was trying to teach my wife how to cook curry and typing on the laptop while doing it. A pain in the ass that was, but dinner was good.

Anyway, I would still like to know how to delete the cores I don’t need to make the footprint of this emulator smaller on the android. I only want VBoy and 32x on it, and I cannot seem to delete them using SDMaid Pro. Any ideas? :smiley: Oh and is there any reason when I play roms on RetroArch they get unzipped and then left in the folder afterward? Most emulators don’t do that.

you bring up straw man arguments with regards to what kind of performance one should expect out of 32X/Virtual Boy emu. Smarter people than you (such as notaz) have already explored nearly every opportunity to improve performance on 32X, and this is as good as it gets right now.

Really - just stop with the crazy talk - clock speeds don’t matter in the way you think they matter and the IPC you can get out of an Xperia Snapdragon at 1.9GHz is NOT equivalent to a Galaxy S4s Snapdragon S600 running at 1.9GHz. There are various other factors involved.

@Fakk2 Dunno why you wouldn’t be able to delete things from your program of choice, but you might try ES File Explorer instead. For the unzipping, I believe RetroArch won’t delete the decompressed ROM (or write your saves to srm files) unless/until it exits cleanly, such as via the ‘quit retroarch’ option from the RGUI menu.