Hunterk said it best. Makes more sense now. Understood. I prefer analogue anyway so I must have missed the xvid -> mp4 conversion and DVD thing, (I didn’t buy DVDs). I went from LaserDisc to BluRay disc and still prefer my LD’s when it comes to the classics. But that’s another story altogether.
jaycee900, I’m not arguing that with anyone. I never mentioned CPS3 did I? I’m talking about old ass Virtual Boy and Sega 32x. lol I just got done playing Metal Slug 7 on Drastic, (which is pretty new as far as emulators go), with zero frameskip on my Xperia Play and it ran just fine 100%, along with Resident Evil DS and Ridge Racer. When overclocked to 2Ghz it runs newer decent emulators just fine and the older ones play fine at 1-1.5Ghz with no frameskip. The fact that this damn thing won’t run 32x and Virtual Boy decently at 2Ghz is something else to me. I figured frameskip might help the situation until those emulators get sorted out and running fully without frameskip on the Xperia Play. Also average emulation running very fast is a good thing for the simple fact that this is not the real thing. Only playing these games on the REAL machine is the real deal. Otherwise it’s just a simulation and no matter how accurate it gets it will never be like the real thing, so who cares? Just make it run fast and it will be fun. This is for an android device of all things. Fun on the go… It’s not like I need 100% accuracy while playing it on an android device on a lunch break or waiting in the doctors office.
And for Mr Toad King, like I told the guy above it doesn’t need 100% accuracy. We are not playing on the real consoles, using the real console controllers, nor are we at home playing this on our home theatre. This is for an android device. Now if all these emulators of RetroArch are all the same cores and emulators and your trying to get perfect emulation on a Mac or PC or something and then just porting it to Android I can understand. But, if this android version is made from different source and is supposed to be specifically only for the android, then who cares? lol I guess I just look at it different than you guys do, but to each his own I guess. I’m giving constructive criticism and if you disagree then fine, and if it’s not meant to be on this emulator then that’s fine also. I would just like to see Virtual Boy and 32x running at full speed in some fashion or form on the Xperia Play since it is the only cellphone available that has the means to feel like a portable gaming cellphone. and this is the only emulator that supports them as of right now.
Capitalizing my posts correctly is not of any importance to me, especially at the time I left my earlier posts as I was trying to teach my wife how to cook curry and typing on the laptop while doing it. A pain in the ass that was, but dinner was good.
Anyway, I would still like to know how to delete the cores I don’t need to make the footprint of this emulator smaller on the android. I only want VBoy and 32x on it, and I cannot seem to delete them using SDMaid Pro. Any ideas? Oh and is there any reason when I play roms on RetroArch they get unzipped and then left in the folder afterward? Most emulators don’t do that.