RetroArch Android releases (v1.0.0.2)

I’ve had one since it came out and I love it… Retro Arch runs great… Final Burn Alpha runs excellent even with threaded video off. Everything else runs swimmingly with threaded video on. I have a scanline overlay and bsnes gamma ramp and it looks amazing.

I haven’t connected to my TV yet, but I’ve used Sixaxis controller, SNES controller, a mayflash joystick and a Steelseries Bluetooth controller; everything works great. Haven’t tried two players yet…

You won’t be disappointed with the performance. Let me know if you have any other questions…

I don’t know your time frame or anything or how sure you are that you want a Nexus tablet but nVidia is going to release a 7 inch Tegra 4 tablet soon. A couple reasons this stands out to me are that the nVidia Shield (which is Tegra 4) runs the RetroArch cores really, really well (Squarepusher, one of the RA developers, has a Shield), Android is basically stock on the device (though it isn’t updated as quickly as a Nexus device would be updated) and the speakers are front facing. You may want to give this a look if you aren’t dead set on a Nexus. Price and when it will be released are not known.

Great, thanks for the quick responses guys, really appreciate it!

The affordability of the Nexus 7 is a big draw obviously, I don’t want to be spending 500 quid on something. I am not really in any mad rush and might get a tablet at Christmas time. Will keep my eyes open in the meantime. Thanks for the info guys.

Hello everyone!

@ Squarepusher, is there much for the new release of retroarch?

Can you give a preview of the new features that will contain?

thank you very much

I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. For some strange reason, Tomb Raider for the PS1 doesn’t seem to be able to utilize the controller for the Nvidia Shield (current RetroArch v0.9.9.6). The game will come up, but no buttons work. Eventually I’ll get to the menu screen where it will tell me at the top, “No Controller Detected.” Very strange, everything else works great!

Have you tried going into the core options and turning off analog mode? PS1 analog controllers, while in analog mode, report themselves as an entirely different type of controller than digital mode. Generally, games made before analog controllers were a thing won’t recognize them at all.

Have you tried going into the core options and turning off analog mode? PS1 analog controllers, while in analog mode, report themselves as an entirely different type of controller than digital mode. Generally, games made before analog controllers were a thing won’t recognize them at all.[/quote]

THANK YOU! So that’s why I’ve been unable to play it all this time. Works like a charm! I’ll need to remember this if any of my PS1 games are too old to know what Analog controllers are.

A bit OT maybe but is it possible to use vita psx saves/memory cards on retroarch for android? Would love to continue my Wild Arms save on the Shield.

I’ve used RetroArch on my Galaxy Nexus for a while – thanks for all the hard work!

I recently acquired a free Logitech Revue Google TV from a friend, and I really like what it adds to my living room experience. Of course I started wondering what it would take to get some classic gaming going on with that thing!

The Logitech Revue runs on Android 3.2, and uses an Intel Atom CE4150 1.2 GHz processor with 1GB DDR3 RAM. I was able to side load the x86 APK into the system, but two errors occur when using the app.

  1. Selecting “TV Mode” causes the app to Force Close.
  2. After selecting “Load Game,” no cores appear on the next page.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this? Am I asking too much from this ancient device?

HI to everyone.

I got a few questions: Does anyone has a JXD S7300 with RA? I want to buy one but I need to know if it runs well emulators SNES, GBA and CPS3.

Any help will be appreciated


Hello all!!!

When We see anything new???

Hello all!!!

When We see anything new???

@chifrinillo If you feel like playing with developer/unofficial releases, you can check out my thread: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=993

Since it’s been quiet on the Android front here, I thought I’d like to get one of the developers (Squarepusher) to comment on Android switching to ART from JIT eventually… … in-kitkat/

I know in the past Squarepusher, you’ve been ‘vocal’ ;>) about the ‘shortcomings’ of Android OS and I was curious as to how you think ART will help Retroarch on Android 4.4 going forward

I obviously can’t speak too much on the topic, but I suspect/hope the big win will be in latency.

Yeah, I think you’re right. This would help with the menu stuff, which is java, but it shouldn’t really affect in-game performance.

A native activity is just C/C++ glue code for your Java app. Look at the ‘native/jni’ sources of frameworks_base if you doubt this.

All the heavylifting (GL/blitting, audio, input) is still being done by Java services under the hood through JNI calls. Google doesn’t allow you to go ‘low-level’.

There is no such thing as a ‘native app’ on Android.

This is why the Android port will never be as good as the iOS port on a technical level.

Any update on getting Retroarch back on the Play Store? What is now the lead platform?

There is no ‘lead’ platform with RetroArch - they all are lead platforms more or less. If by ‘lead platform’ you mean ‘which platform gets the newest cores first?’ - then I’d have to say PC.

About the Play Store we never got any word from Google why we were pulled - I doubt we are going to get it anyime soon. Some people have advised me not to repost RA Android on the store again while others have told me it’s the best course of action, so I’m going to take a chanc and try the latter one. Probably sometime next week.

We have built in some safeguards in the event that we were pulled over the GPL waiver issues (maister is still not sure how that should have ever been an issue - me neither. I don’t think Google knows even if they pulled it over that - probably just some intern that thought he was doing the GNU cause a big ‘favor’ by honoring the request of whomever put the call in to have it pulled).

Now that 4.4 KitKat is starting to roll out to devices, I’d love to see “immersive mode" implemented for full screen RetroArch goodness…

(Probably not a big deal to some, but for those of us with on screen software buttons, being able to hide those software buttons when playing is invaluable)