RetroArch Community Playlists

Here is a first attempt of creating a library / repository for user created playlists with sharing in mind. Every list is edited in way with the intention to adapt it with least required steps. And every playlist also comes with its own README file to describe the content and give credit to the author. All uploaded content are licensed by , which basically gives it to public domain.

Everyone who want have their personal playlist presented here, can post it in this thread and I will have a look at it. I won’t upload others creations without permission.

Have in mind, these playlists are unusable in this form and editing them is required. They contain personal paths and even placeholders that look like variables in the form of $roms or $cores .


There is a wall of text. Github also cuts portion of the directory names, which makes it difficult to distinguish them. Is the license appropriate? We are still in early phase and anything can be discussed for changes if needed. Making it accessible and easy to understand is probably the hardest thing in software development (or anything related to it).

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Maybe changing a little the structure may help, for example having just simple generic names in the root:

instead of:

Arcade_thingsiplay - 150 Uncommon Arcade Game
Arcade_thingsiplay - A-Z Uncommon Arcade Games
Nintendo_thingsiplay - Switch Online - Game Boy Advance

Something like:

Game Series

and then having subfolders.

Soon I’ll be modifying and posting my playlists here!

EDIT: also for the crc32 field, maybe would be better to leave it blank (“crc32”: “00000000|crc”) so that it will be safer to just refer to the zip’s file name? not sure just wandering.

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Hey. There is no need in modifying the playlists, i can automate this with a few clicks now with the scripts I have created for this exact purpose. So anyone can just post the playlist as they create them here, I can take care. I also can create Readme files if none is present, that’s all no issue for me. Just saying. :slight_smile:

As for the directory structure, yes I have that in mind once we have more playlists, I want to create subfolders like you suggest. The problem we have won’t be solved with it, as clicking on Arcade in example will still have the subfolders with cut out names. So maybe I will do it like this:

    150 Uncommon Arcade Games (thingsiplay)/
        Arcade_thingsiplay - 150 Uncommon Arcade
    Switch Online - Game Boy Advance (thingsiplay)/
        Nintendo_thingsiplay - Switch Online - Game Boy

So the playlist filenames itself would be in full length. The reason why I insist on having the authors names is, because anyone else should be able to have the same playlist title with the same purpose, but with their own spin. In example I could also create a STG playlist and then no name clash could happen.

EDIT: also for the crc32 field, maybe would be better to leave it blank (“crc32”: “00000000|crc”) so that it will be safer to just refer to the zip’s file name? not sure just wandering.

But why? I could do that, but I don’t see any benefit of doing it. RetroArch itself does not care for playback of the games I guess? Hmm I wonder now.

oh that’s great! I’ll be uploading my “raw” lists now!

But once you click it will expand right?

this is what I see

main page

after clicking on the first folder

Only the filenames. … oh wait, you meant the left menu (it was disabled here, totally forgot about that). Well it only expands fully if the browser is wide enough. I see, its not a big issue as I thought to be then.

Here the 3 playlists straight from my directory, if you want I can modifying something to help the conversion process if needed!

EDIT: also feel free to change the title as you see fit!

So the edit is done for all 3 files, in only 2 minutes or so. That’s why I suggest no one to do extra work. Only a short description of what exactly each list is for would be good to have, a single sentence or paragraph is totally enough. Edit: But if you don’t have any specific description, I can just give a generic one like “a personal collection of favorite fighting games”. That would be totally sufficient. I just like adding context.

Edit: Okay its up. Thank you for providing your playlists! Still not sure if this is the best way of directory naming and organization structure.

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Maybe in the arcades playlists is worth to prefix FBneo? so people don’t get confused…

Also probably better “Shoot em up” then STGs, that also can get people cofused :nerd_face:

this is totally fine!

Here another playlist that I forgot to add before, this is a colletion of arcade games by Konami up to 1989 for FBneo.

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Done. That’s a nice list. I see you focus very much on Arcade. :slight_smile: Looking through the library with these themed playlists is much more manageable.

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New playlist, this time all Capcom arcade games for FBneo, I used this wiki as a reference. I left out just a couple of quiz games in japanese and maybe a mahjong. Roms choice (as for the previous playlists): tend to prefer the parent rom but with some exceptions in witch I chose the Japanese version on purpose: ie. Super Street fighter 2 turbo western release have the difficulty messed up so I chose the jap version.

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Its up now, and I also added a racing playlist for Arcade. Your lists are comprehensive and carefully put together, thanks!

Btw, I’m still conflicted about the crc thing. Does it really matter for the playlist? Maybe I’ll zero them out, but looks like it doesn’t even matter. Unfortunately the entire import process for these custom playlists is still convoluted, and my explanation doesn’t do a great job as well.

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honestly I’m not sure how the crc line influence the list, my simple reasoning is that with no crc check the list might have a longer life: what I mean is that maybe will change in the future so the crc will change as well but the filename will be probably stay the same.

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That’s also true. I guess removing the crc (speak zeroing) won’t have any negative consequences. I guess you are right and I will do it soon (editing all existing files as well, its a quick operation), but at the moment there is no hurry.

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New playlist: all Namco’s arcades for FBneo. This wiki was the reference to create the list.

Have a look if it is all correct but I already edited to be in the same format as the other one on github.

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up. Great, I had a quick look and format looks fine. Also successfully imported. There is lot interesting games from Namco I didn’t know about; Baraduke?

Yeah, Namco was on top of the gaming industry for at list 3 decades, baraduke (alien sector) is very interesting one mixing shooting and exploration with interesting physics for gravity and recoil!

Also have a look at Dragon Buster, 1984, it was a huge inspiration for most action/run and gun games like castlevania! very ahead of their time!

New playlist: Sega arcade games for FBneo, based on this wiki, as I thought this is the largest so far, got to say that making those lists shows how good is the fbneo romset, very very few games are missing!

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From that wiki, which of the categories did you add? Early video games and Sega System series? I’ll add the information to the the description if its clear, otherwise just leave it like it is. its up btw :slight_smile:

Yes, both of those categories!