Ah, well if you like using your ps3 controller and pretty much sticking with 9.9.6 until issues get fixed in 1.0, well then why not try out the 9.9.7 build on page 25 that meancoot provided (the prerelease version)? The build had the mupen64plus core. It should work with the ps3 controller like 9.9.6 as well. All I have is A7 devices, so I couldn’t actually test the ps3 controller out on that build; perhaps it worth giving it a shot though on your device. The 9.9.7 build performs just as well as 9.9.6 and 1.0 core wise. The only thing you’ll have to move around are your games and bios. I made a post on the same page on installing the IPA as well as the changes that needed to be done to start playing your content. It was a slight hassle at first, but once everything was set, I had no issues. Think of it as 9.9.6, but with the mupen64 core, a few other cores, and the UI of 1.0.
So just tried the new release v1.0.0.1 on my ipad air.
I just did a 45 minute testing session, didn’t really try a lot of games mainly just mario kart. PS3 controller works now which is brilliant. I didn’t have any problems with it compared to v1.0 - analog sticks work, and it never went haywire and sending commands by it self / becoming non-responsive like my wiimote did in v1.0. It’s possible that I just got lucky and that not all bugs/problems are gone with bluetooth controllers, some of which may come down to BTStack still being in beta, but imo its a HUGE improvement over v1.0.
I heard something about devices overheating, after 45 minutes of trying it out my ipad felt a little warm, wouldn’t say it was close to over heating though - I think this is a BTStack issue but I don’t have any previous BTStack experience to compare it too. I lost 6% battery as well which I don’t think is bad for 45 mins + 1-2 controllers connected. I finished up with a bit of multiplayer on Goldeneye (which seems to work now :D) using a wiimote as second player. Didn’t have any problems with that either in my short testing.
lost 6% in 45min,i think you lie.
playing mupen64 core for 10min,lost 7% in my iphone 5S.
Not lying at all, was on 47% when I started (I know because I checked for the BTStack icon). It was 41% when I finished. Maybe mario kart isn’t very demanding? And besides, isn’t the ipad air battery quite a bit bigger than the iphone 5s?
Not lying at all, was on 47% when I started (I know because I checked for the BTStack icon). It was 41% when I finished. Maybe mario kart isn’t very demanding? And besides, isn’t the ipad air battery quite a bit bigger than the iphone 5s?[/quote]
a ok.
ipad air/iphone 5S have the same hardware.
thx bro.
They have the same processor, after that they don’t really have the same hardware.
The size of the iPad Air’s battery has been reduced from 11560 mAh to 8827 mAh, still huge compared to the 1560 mAh battery in the iPhone 5S but smaller than it was before.
A 6% on the ipad air could be say 30% on an iphone, I don’t know if the battery size makes a difference, considering its the same processor and same software I would presume it would, regardless of screen size etc.
The iPad battery performance is great compared to the iPhones, especially in regards to using Retroarch. Using my 5s w an icontrolpad, my battery will quickly get eaten, especially on longer plays. I don’t have to worry about my battery dying quick when on the iPad air though. However, regardless of what device you’re on, if you want to get the best out of your battery, then make sure your brightness isn’t maxed out and using headphones will greatly reduce the amount of battery getting used up. I haven’t got around to testing yet, but for anyone else on A7 devices who has, is ps3 controllers working in conjunction with the beta version of BTstack that mringwal provided on his twitter?
Yes, my post above was using the ps3 controller with the test version of BTStack. Worked really well.
Actually will add that my brightness was around 40%, don’t like it bright :P. And I was using headphones, so maybe that all helped with the battery too.
Ah, ok. Thanks, I’ll get around to re-downloading that beta deb later today. There are some neogeo fighters that I enjoy playing which could use the accuracy of a ps3 controller rather than the icontrolpad i’m currently using. lol
Ah, ok. Thanks, I’ll get around to re-downloading that beta deb later today. There are some neogeo fighters that I enjoy playing which could use the accuracy of a ps3 controller rather than the icontrolpad i’m currently using. lol[/quote]
A new version is out? With a workin controller? For ps3?
Were can I test this?
Add this repo and you can DL the latest version.
Also thanks to the whole team for this amazing upgrade! Great works guys - it’s not said enough!
P.S. why am I getting forwarded to some allemu RA, seemingly Russian website after downloading this? Just upgraded to ios7…
Add this repo and you can DL the latest version.
Also thanks to the whole team for this amazing upgrade! Great works guys - it’s not said enough!
P.S. why am I getting forwarded to some allemu RA, seemingly Russian website after downloading this? Just upgraded to ios7…[/quote]
You probably installed from the emu4ios site at some point. Which is a very bad idea. That allemu build has some shady shady crap in it.
You probably installed from the emu4ios site at some point. Which is a very bad idea. That allemu build has some shady shady crap in it.[/quote]
I really REALLY didn’t! I’ve only ever downloaded from the repo I posted above
And also I literally just installed IOS7 yesterday from Modmyi the only things I’ve downloaded from their are XBMC and Retro Arch - I’ve been rather shady about IOS 7 since hearing about all the dodgy things they were installing!
I would install via cydia and after installing I’d be forwarded within Cydia to the Allemu website! Anyone else get this?
Edit - OK did some research and turns out it’s due to the Modmyi Repo apparently and I’ll try installing an adblocker
See - http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread. … 680&page=2
Adblocker hosts file - http://www.jailbreakqa.com/questions/21 … ore-64-bit
It’s rather concerning it forwards you to the AllEmu page though some people will think it’s the official site for RetroArch since it appearing right after install.
Not sure if this fixes Blutrol, but it’s worth a try.
I have A7 devices, and while the updated BTstack test deb has allowed me to use my ps3 controller with the recently updated Retroarch, it didn’t appear to be working with Blutrol itself.
A new update to BTstack was just recently pushed through in cydia, I updated (from the test deb for 64bit devices) and gave it a try. Now I’m having issues with the ps3 controller not wanting to connect to Retroarch, and Retroarch’s BTstack icon immediately shows that a controller is connected when there isn’t. I did get it to connect once, but after I began mapping buttons in the frontend, the controller stopped responding. Even after closing out of retroarch, the btstack bluetooth icon would just stay visible and wouldn’t go away unless I respringed or rebooted my device.
So, I decided to reinstall the test btstack deb, and while I have been able to connect the ps3 controller, the connection doesn’t seem anywhere as stable as it used to be. It even still sometimes has problems connecting and has even stopped being responsive during a game play session. Now I have to press the ps3 button before I start up retroarch just so it can pick up the controller, otherwise it’ll show that a controller has connected even though there isn’t; all while the ps3 controller continues to just blink away…
Anyways, I’ve deleted/reinstalled retroarch as well as BTstack, I even deleted the ‘.retroarch’ folder before reinstalling retroarch so it could rebuild the folder along with stock settings/content. Still, issues persist…Anybody else on A7 devices having similar issues?
hello guys, this is my first post on this forum but i’ve been lurking for sometime in retroarch ios section. First i would like to give a big thanks for the people who made all these possible. Psx is running like a dream in my ipad and i never thought i’d see it happening. bows really hats off to you guys who even made it free.
Now on to the main issue, its fairly simple. I own an ipad 2 GSM 32 gb running ios 7.0.4, jailbroken with evasion. I’ve been trying to run nintendo ds games, i understand that it’s still a wip core, but i’ve had no luck with it. It just crashed retroarch and returned to home screen whenever i tried. I have set the Documents permission and such, but still no good.
I tried my friend’s ipad 2 GSM on 6.1.2 evasion untethered, with the same result. Is there something that i missed? To my knowledge 6.1.2 is supposed to be the most ideal ios to stay since retroarch was built on it.
On iphone 5s evasion untethered though, it runs fine. Almost full speed even, without any need to change permission. So i am stumped as to why it does not work on our ipads.
Once again thanks for the hardwork, it’s really appreciated.
Even though Retroarch was first made available on ios6, it has also been updated for ios 7 and runs just as well. Retroarch on ios7 also adds features and supports ios7 official controller functionality. ios 7 controller functionality (especially for apps in the appstore updated to support the feature) is something that only ios7 users will be able to experience. Honestly if I was still on 6.1.2, I’d quickly update to 7.0.4 and jailbreak before apple comes out with a new firmware update and you lose your chance to be on ios 7 with the ability to jailbreak. That choice though, is up to you…
As for your issue, in short, the ipad 2 (or any A5 device) isn’t powerful enough to run the DS core and play games at even playable speeds. It will never be. Unless someone was able to code a super optimized ds emulator for ios that even an A5 device could benefit from… …though, I wouldn’t hold your breath. Even the ipad 4th generation I had wasn’t quite cutting it for ds emulation…for now, it seems only A7 devices are able to run the ds core at playable speeds.