RPi3 - Lakka: random total freeze with PSX emulator


I’m using Lakka TV installed on my RPi3. With the PSX emulator (and a PS4 controller connected via bluetooth), I get random (within 5 minutes) total freeze of entire system. I’m testing it with FF VII game.

I’m using Lakka GIT v. 274b40f. Build 21 Dec 2016. Linux 4.1 Is there a fresh new version of Lakka TV available?

How can I troubleshoot the problem?

Thank you.

First things to check are:

1.) does it happen with other cores?

2.) does it happen with other games?

3.) when it’s frozen, does it respond to SSH?

Hi @hunterk thank you for your reply.

I’ll test point 1 and 2 today… about point 3 yes, SSH doesn’t respond. I’ve enable retroarch log… here my log file https://pastebin.com/VH0fezGm Thank you in advance for any help.

Use the latest RC version; there’s a bug fix for PSX freezing on RPi. I had the same issue until upgrading to the latest RC version.

Ok, I try it. Currently I’m using Lakka in dual boot with Libre Elec. How can I upgrade lakka only without touching LE partition? (I’m using PINN as boot loader)

Hi, I confirm that with the last RC5 of Lakka all works ok without freeze! :+1:t2:

Nice to ear :smiley: